A Sudden "Good-Bye" to Kitty Clark

>> Thursday, March 21, 2024

I posted this on Sunday:

Didn’t think this would be the last photo taken of Clark at home. He got a lymphoma diagnosis yesterday (and corneal ulcer), and we figured we had a few weeks/months left with him. But 20 mins after this photo last night, he was calmly eating and then started sprinting around in pain and hissing. His cornea had ruptured. I called the ER vet and they figured they could treat the eye, but once we got in, they realized that was it. He was put to sleep in my arms around 1:00 a.m. this morning. Woke the boys up this morning to the sad news. Miss you Clark / Clarky / Clarkmallow.

That was a rough morning when the boys got up.

Just a few hours before Clark had to be put down, he was looking for a cozy spot, and ended up climbing ON TOP OF Bruce who was on my lap:

I don't want to just thrust this upon you, but if you want to see Clarky with his ruptured cornea, here he is waiting to be seen at the ER vet, and here's the last photo of him in my arms 15 mins before the vet came in to put him down (note my watch saying it's 12:18 a.m.).

Here's a handful of pics from over the lat 2.5 years:

Nervous baby Clark getting used to our house.

With his favorite blankey.

Cozying up to Bruce.

My wife loves this photo.

This red blanket ended up being "his."

Bye buddy.

We lost Ella in 2021, and then Kermit in 2022. Just over 2 years wasn't enough time with Clark. We'll need to find Bruce a new friend shortly - he's lost without a kitty buddy.


Anonymous,  8:31 PM, March 27, 2024  

I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet young friend. Condolences to you all.

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