September Training in Review

>> Saturday, October 07, 2023

Here's a snapshot of September:

• SWIM: 10,580 yards
• BIKE: 237.64 miles
• TRAINER TIME: 70 mins
• RUN: 89.28 miles
• STRENGTH TIME: 41 hrs and 38 mins

As it's been true most of the summer, my swim mileage is pretty consistent and my bike miles are high. My monthly running total has been the lowest since 1 year ago (last September), and that's because of the sprint triathlon I did on the 10th (I ran 3.1 miles that day instead of 11-12 miles the next day as my long run) and because of the TC 10 Mile that should have been on Oct 1st which made my final long run of the month be only 9 miles on the 25th (instead of 11-12). So "normal" training would have had me around 99-101 miles, which is pretty standard monthly mileage for me at the moment.

I had the Square Lake Sprint Triathlon on the 10th and the TC 10 Mile on Oct 1st that lead to total rest days on the 9th and 30th. Other than that, everything else was pretty "normal" for my training. The biggest difference over the summer months is that now I'm not having time to bike to the pool on Tuesdays, so I'm having to drive there on those days. Bummer. BUT, notice the short rides on the 21st, 26th, and 28th: I've started biking to class a few days a week, and I'm hoping to keep that up!


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