
>> Monday, October 16, 2023

I've been intrigued with Garmin's "HRV Status" and how that relates to my overall training status since it went live on my Garmin after I started wearing it 24/7 months ago. I don't fully understand it, but it stands for "heart rate variability," and Garmin says it can help determine if you're over-training by looking deeper into your autonomic nervous system. Here's an article about it from Garmin.

I've been having a solid stretch of "balanced" HRV readings since late July (something about being away from home for 7 nights at a family vacation threw it off for a few days this summer), but it became "unbalanced" a few days ago, and the last 2 nights it's been "low:"

And for the last 2 days, even though yesterday had no swim, bike, or run workout (rest day), my "training status" has been reading as "strained:"

Again, after enjoying a long stretch of "maintaining."

Maybe I didn't rest enough after the Fall Classic Duathlon 8 days ago, and maybe that was too close to my make-up TC 10 Mile just 6 days before that. And maybe biking a lot last week when I'm usually easing back for the winter got to me as well. And it could be that I'm prepping work for a gallery exhibition and I'm a little extra stressed right now (not REALLY STRESSED, but just with a BIT more stress in my life).

Normally, I'd be all set to do a hard run this Friday, but I'll listen to these numbers for the time being - if they don't get back in more of a "balanced" range ASAP, I'll keep running easy for the rest of this week. No need to do anything stupid at the start of the "off season."


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