Some Damp 600s at the Track

>> Saturday, October 28, 2023

Yesterday morning, I woke up at 5:45 and saw that it was done raining. So I geared up and hit the track. When I went outside, I actually realized that it was misting pretty hard, but not "raining," so I didn't think I'd get soaked - I wasn't going to get soaking wet when it was 44 degrees!

As my Garmin was STILL telling me I was "strained" and overtraining (as I first mentioned about 2 weeks ago), I didn't want to go TOO hard. So I decided that what my team did for their workout the day before sounded good:

So that's what I did:

Counter-clockwise 600s starting at the lower left and ending after 1.5 laps
at the upper right. Note the blue walking back to the start to go again.

I felt like I started the first one pretty easy, and I glanced at my Garmin after 200: it read 0:43. So I sped up a little and hit the next 200 in 0:40, and then the final 200 in 0:40 as well to finish in 2:03. Based on just that first interval, I wondered if I could keep the following 7 intervals around 2:00. And after a fast-ish walk back to the start line, I was going again after about a 2:00 rest. So I guess I was aiming for 2:00 for my 600 meters and then a 2:00 walking rest for 200 meters.

The next 3 jumped around right in the 2:00, and then I was able to pick it up a little more. The 5th, 6th, and 7th were all 1:57, and then I let my mind wander a bit on the last one (number 8) and slowed up a little - I wasn't dying, I just had a lapse in concentration. So my running splits and walking rests looked like this:

2:03.4, 2:00
2:00.3, 2:00
2:01.2, 1:59
1:59.5, 2:00
1:57.8, 2:00
1:57.5, 1:55
1:57.2, 2:02

Average: 1:59.475/600

Here they are as a screenshot from Garmin, with my running times as the even splits:

Nothing unusual here.

In my heart rate chart, my intervals are the first 8 spikes. The 9th spike was actually running up the hill off the track where my heart rate got a little high (apparently).


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