Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Two Recent Funny Family Posts

>> Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Here are 2 things I posted on Instagram recently.

First, an update from Charlie's broken finger last week:

I took Charlie to get his hard cast put on today, so I was the first to sign it. I told him last night I would like to write a “dad joke” on it, and he loved that idea. But the cast was pretty small, and I didn’t want to take up too much room. So instead, the dad joke is that he’s got me in the palm of his hands. 😂❤️

And second, here's something I found at my boys' school last week:

First of all, that’s hilarious. Secondly, it’s better when you know the back story. This is hanging in the hall of school: it’s a SIXTH grade project, but my SEVENTH grader has this up there. One of Henry’s teachers just “gets” him, and they both thought it would be funny to post a poem next to the other class’s projects. (It’s formatted exactly the same so it completely matches.) They are anxiously waiting for anyone else to notice. I saw that teacher in school today, and she said “THAT’S the kind of mischief we want these boys getting into - harmless funny things!” ❤️


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