Great Back-To-Normal Training Week After a Family Vacation

>> Saturday, August 05, 2023

After getting in some good bike workouts on a family vacation 2 weeks ago, last week was just a "normal" week at home. And it had some solid numbers:

- SWIM: 2,400 yards. Just one of my favorite "broken 400s and 200s" workout.

- BIKE: 68.26 miles. The 9 miles was riding to and from my swim. The 31 miles on Thurs was the sweaty ride I posted about over the weekend. And then the 27 mile ride on Saturday was just a moderate ride. Nothing fancy on the bike last week.

- RUN: 23.19 miles. My long run on Monday wasn't great, but it was plenty good considering it was humid and the air was a little thick with Canadian wildfire smoke. It was 11.77 miles in 1:21:49 with the middle 6 faster at 6:17 pace. Wednesday's run was just an easy run. And Friday's run was a track workout where Henry worked out with me for the first time!

- STRENGTH: 10 hrs 51 mins. Every day was an above average strength day except for maybe Tuesday. Good amount of time and nice sets here. Nice to get back into this routine!


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