Best Long Run Ever??

>> Thursday, August 24, 2023

Monday was a fast long run! I posted about my OK long run in Rome 2+ weeks ago, and then had a decent long run back home 1+ week ago. But my long run a few days ago was even better!

I took off pretty normally, but my 6 harder "pace miles" in the middle started a bit faster: my first half mile was 3:07, and then my 2nd was 3:10. Usually those are maybe more like 10 sec slower, but I didn't want to keep slowing down. So I tried to keep the pace up after that and turned in a 2nd mile with half-mile splits of 3:07 and 3:05. I kept descending for the 3rd anf 4th mile too. I laid down some fast splits:

Pace miles (half-mile splits):

3:07, 3:10, 3:07, 3:05, 3:04, 3:04, 3:02, 2:57, 3:03, 3:04, 2:57, 2:58

= 36:43, or 6:07.12/mile!

In 2019, I had a long stroller run with Charlie with the middle 6 miles at 6:23 pace. Earlier this year, I had a long run in Florida with the middle 6 miles at 6:11 pace. And last April, I had a long run with 6.5 miles in the middle at 6:08.9 pace.

This run was nearly 2 sec/mile faster than that great run over a year ago!

Having 3 splits under 3:00 is huge too. And my last 3 faster miles were 18:01? This was just a solid run!

A tweet later Monday morning.

Out-and-back with the middle 6 "pace" miles clearly visible.


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