>> Saturday, November 20, 2021

Ok, the SWIM itself wasn't that weird. But what happened before and after it was... entertaining.

The swim was my first pyramid set this year. It's a kind of workout that is good for me because I hate doing it... so it MUST be good for me. I lifted weights an hour before swimming (early in the morning before taking the boys to school), and I did that once the week before as well and learned it doesn't really take that much out of me.

After a 200 yard warm up, I did a pyramid of 100, 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, and 100 with 0:30 rest. It looked like this:

1:34, 1:34 = 3:08.93
1:35, 1:36, 1:35 = 4:46.91
1:32, 1:34, 1:33, 1:34 = 6:15.98
1:33, 1:36, 1:32 = 4:41.68
1:32, 1:31 = 3:03.57

After that, I did 300 of kick drills, 150 pulling, and a 200 cool down to equal 2450 total for the swim.

SIDE NOTE: I just looked back to my last pyramid swim before this (pre-COVID 22 months ago in January of 2020), and it was oddly similar! The splits "coming down" were faster than the ones "going up" both then and now. Six of my 7 splits were within 2 seconds (higher or lower), and oddly enough my 400 in the middle was 0:16 faster this time! But I DID only give myself 0:20 rest back then, so that extra 0:10 each time has to be making at least a little difference.

So, back to what made this swim weird!! When I got to the gym, I opened my gym bag and pulled out my shorts and towel. And then I saw this:

All my stuff...

... with a CAT TURD in my bag!

Kermit is going on 17 years old, and she's been randomly crapping in the basement for the last few years. She still uses the litter box, but it's like she sometimes get slightly constipated and will poop down NEAR her litter box wherever she feels comfortable. Sometimes back by our bikes and treadmill. Sometimes by our extra shoes on a rug. Often just right at the bottom of the steps. And if I don't close the door to the back room, she'll head back there and poop in my bag. APPARENTLY.

The good news is that my goggles were in a side pocket, so I didn't risk pink eye or other nasty issues by putting a poop smeared eye-piece to my face.

I grabbed a chunk of toilet paper and disposed of Kermit's turd in the locker room. And then had a decent swim.

After my swim, I headed out of the athletic facilities and heard a light *HONK HONK* behind me and assumed it was some sort of small University utility vehicle. But it was Goldy the Gopher on a Segway! I stepped to the side and fist-bumped our mascot as he went past. And then I got a photo of him greeting a skateboarder as he Segway-ed away:

Cat shit and fist-bumping a Segway-riding mascot, with a decent swim in the middle: that was a pretty random hour.


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