Successful 5 Mile Run!

>> Saturday, June 19, 2021

I posted on Wednesday that I had just tried my first short run after a 2 week rest after my calf got a bit tight and sore from a 5K. That run was supposed to be longer, but my calf/achilles pain creeped in and then stuck around the rest of that day.

I did a harder/longer trainer ride the day after my painful run. I figured I had given it 2 weeks rest, and I wasn't going to just stop after one sore run. I wanted to "test" it a bit more before resting longer - I've learned my body sometimes needs rest, and then it sometimes needs motion.

The day after my trainer ride (2 days after the first painful run), I got ready to run without much hope, but the pain/tightness in my calf/achilles did NOT show up! I got in 5 pain-free miles! And then I spent a good chunk of that day on my feet doing things around the house and yard, and it didn't flare up. I also set up our NEW TENT 1 week after destroying our tent while camping in the Bandlands:

Set up to weatherproof it. It's HUGE!

I still saw my chiropractor the day after my pain-free run for a final round of ultrasound, Graston, and ART on it, so I'm hoping I'm on the road to complete recovery with regards to that little set-back. He mentioned that my trainer rides might be helping this, which I suspected as well.

Monday mornings are normally my long runs (of 10-11 miles USUALLY), and I MIGHT try going for 7 or 8 this upcoming week. If that works, then I might be fully back on track in a week or 2. Knock on wood!


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