Link Dump from my Other Blogs

>> Sunday, June 27, 2021

Just a note that I've been posting regularly on my other 2 blogs as well.

On my photography blog, I've been posting a lot of photo-related things, along with funny art-related things. I've been posting more over the last 18 months: for 3 years (2017-2019), I averaged about 30 posts a year. But in 2020, I posted over 60 times, and I've already posted 36 times in 2021.

Here are a few recent posts:

- Here's a photo I recently shot that was in a photo center in Seattle (and was sold) during their yearly fundraiser.

- Some funny photo-related t-shirts.

- I got a new iPhone and tested it by taking some pretty photos by the river...

- ... and then I did the same thing during my North Shore trip a few months ago.

- Speaking of my North Shore trip, here are a few Holga film photos from Lake Superior.

And on my root beer blog, I've been posting consistently as well:

- Here's a post about a recent stop at Minnesota's Largest Candy Store last week. I replenished my soda stash!

- I think I posted about this here, but here's a bit about making homemade root beer at my sons' school.

And I'm always posting random reviews on my root beer blog. Check them out!


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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
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