Pain on my Short Long Run

>> Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Well, yesterday morning I was about to go for a run thinking I'd be writing a post like this today: "I ran a super short 'long run' yesterday and everything felt normal. Thinking next week will be a nearly normal running week!"

Instead, I had some tightness after 4 miles or so, and then it got worse before the end.

I was hoping that after 2 weeks completely off and then a nice run on Friday (after 2 shorter earlier in the week) would mean I was going to be overly cautious by "just" running 7-8 miles yesterday as my long run. But my right calf/achilles didn't hold up.

I ran 2 miles easy and thought I'd pick it up for 3-4 miles in the middle. (That's a short version of my "normal" long run where I pick it up for 5-6 miles in the middle.) I went 3.5 miles harder with 1/2 mile splits of 3:12.78, 3:10.33, 3:10.54, 3:09.43, 3:11.01, 3:05.62, and 3:10.21 for 22:09.92 for those 3.5 miles (6:20/mile average). But then I had 2+ miles to get home when my calf/achilles was already not feeling great. It didn't get HORRIBLE, but it felt like it did after the Brian Kraft 5K where it first flared up 3 weeks ago as it stayed achy all day (which is worse than it felt after that short 2.5 miler a week ago).

We'll see what the next few days hold. I hope to still bike, but I'm unsure right now if I'll still try some (shorter and easier) running or take some more time off. It just feels tight and super taut right now. I'm seeing both of my sports-minded chiros later this week (I'd seen 1 for this last week, and he wasn't worried, but I'm a bit worried now).


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