Lots of Strength Work, and Still TRYING to Run

>> Monday, June 28, 2021

Here's how last week looked in my training log:

Monday's run was where the calf pain came back and bummed me out.

Three things worth noting:

First, that might be a weekly strength training PR of 9 hours and 48 minutes! Lately, "good" weeks have been between 8 and 9 hours. But I spent the previous weekend camping and canoeing with my boys, so I had some "catching up" to do on Monday, so Monday was a bigger day. (Usually I do core on Sunday and legs on Monday, but I didn't do anything on Sunday, so Monday was both.) Wednesday was a big day too, and Friday was even going to be bigger, but I ran out of time. And for upper body on Tu/Th/Sat, I had 18 sets total, which is decent (5, 5, and 8).

Second, I noted starting the week with that sore run, and then I saw my two chiros during the week. They both wanted me to try more, so I hit the treadmill for 3 miles on Friday. It just BARELY started getting tight, but not bad, and nothing that "stuck around" after the run (unlike the pain I had for 2-3 days after Monday's run). So I think I'm moving in the right direction, but I need to keep it slow and steady, and I'll stick to the treadmill for a while (to be able to stop at any given moment if things get too sore, and to avoid hills that will stress my achilles).

And third, I had some decent trainer workouts. I was just shy of a 4 hour week (doing 3:55) because I stopped 10 minutes earlier than I had planned on Saturday because my heel was just starting to get achy. And 4 hours was my biggest week all year (in early April). The big difference between this past week and back in April is that this past week had some effort! Tuesday's ride was 4x (5 mins hard, 2.5 mins easy), Thursday's ride was 6x (3 mins hard, 3 mins easy), and Saturday was mainly a longer effort with a few 2-3 min efforts throw in.


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