Friday Funny 1672: Creepy Home Inspection Photos

>> Friday, October 25, 2019

In the name of Halloween, I thought I'd share some creepy home inspection photos. These are from "Structure Tech" - the same group of inspectors that always have the "home inspection fails of the year" at the end of each year. The captions are what they said about each of these photos:

[WARNING: some of these are a little gross. But you're on a blog called "Steve in a Speedo?! Gross!" so you can handle it. Put on your big girl / big boy pants.]

Opossum in a crawlspace.

Here’s a frozen bat.

We’re not sure what this used to be. We’re guessing a squirrel.

Big wasp nest.

This squirrel was frozen solid in the attic.

The friendliest raccoon ever. It kept rubbing its face
up against the basement window while we were inspecting.

Creepy crawlspace.

Fishnado? This fish was sitting in the backyard of an unoccupied house, no bodies of water nearby.

This squirrel got stuck. We’ve shared this photo before, but it’s worth sharing again.

This squirrel skeleton made me wonder why I don’t find more skeletons.

Obligatory skeleton in the closet.

Hop on in, the water’s green!

How did this fish get on a roof? We’re guessing a bird dropped it. Yes, there was a lake nearby.

A murder of dead crows in a furnace vent.

Another creepy crawlspace.

Roaches on Ice. This was a vacant, unheated, dirty house.

Dead rat in the toilet.

And perhaps one of the creepiest things we’ve seen this year, an old doll
floating face-down in a sump basket, covered in bugs. They all float down there...

If the thought of "funny home inspection fails" interests you, check out this "Friday Funny" from the beginning of the year, and then follow the links at the bottom of that post for more fun.

Lots more funny things on HAPPY WEEKEND!!


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