Heavy Swimming Injured Week

>> Monday, September 02, 2019

A "normal" week this summer has looked like this (which is the first week of July):

Averaging just over 4000 yards in the pool, 2 bike rides, and 20+ miles of running.
(And this one was slightly below average with 4 hours 41 mins of strength work.)

This past week looked a lot different:

6000+ yards in the pool, and nearly 7 hours of strength work.

I'm not biking or aqua jogging at all right now to let my foot heal up. And 3 swims is all I feel comfortable doing each week as my left shoulder still gets achy from my shoulder impingement (AKA "swimmer's shoulder") from 2016. So this is my current "training load."

• MONDAY I didn't push too hard and just did some 200s (averaging 3:08 / 200).

• WEDNESDAY I just did some drills. I made this workout up as I went along. After a longer warm up, I did 150 of kicking with a board (2x75), 150 pulling with a pull buoy, and 150 swimming freestyle. I did that 3 times (so 3 x 450) and then did a bit of a cool down to make it 2000 even.

• FRIDAY I really started to focus on not pushing off too hard (for the sake of my foot/heal), and I did a pyramid: 200 warm-up, then efforts of 100, 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, and 100 with 0:20 rest, then a little kicking and pulling before a short cool down.

I had a good swim this morning, going 2500 which is the farthest in a LONG time (I haven't looked back, but probably 4 years or so!). I'll sort of do what I did last week and do more of an "easy drill day" on Wednesday as to not overwork my shoulder. Happy swimming!


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