Another Big Swim Week (and LOTS of Strength Work)

>> Monday, September 23, 2019

Here's a snapshot of last week's (too-injured-to-run-or-bike) training:

• SWIMS: This was my 4th week of this basic layout: "normal" swim workouts on Monday and Friday, and a slightly easier/shorter "drills" swim in-between on Wednesday. Monday was my pyramid workout, and Friday was 200s. I wasn't pushing off the walls much to let my heel rest.

• STRENGTH: I hit a big number this week: exactly 7 hours (which is [obviously] an average of 1 hour/day). My average for all of 2019 is under 5 hours/week. So 7 is pretty big. I had good upper body workouts after class both days last week at the Hamline University weight room. And good core and good "physical therapy" (PT) leg workouts. At a quick look back through my training log, I think I've only had 2 weeks over 7 hours of strength work in the THREE YEARS before this last week (looking back to April of 2016!). And both of those weeks I "doubled upped" my workouts: I did upper body for nearly an hour, and then did some of my PT leg exercises later in the day. In May 2019, I did that 2 times to break 7 hours, and in March 2019, I did that once to break 7 hours. (This past week, I "double upped" on Tue/Thur: upper body and then some core later, which is why those are my biggest days.) This past week and those other 2 weeks in 2019 were the only 3 weeks with over 7 hours of strength work in the last 3 years!

• AQUA JOG: Yesterday I aqua jogged for the first time in 4.5 weeks. I stopped doing it back then because I thought it was still hurting my foot/heel, but I know it's not now. I did the simple hour workout of 10 min warm-up, 40 mins of 1 min hard / 1 min easy, 10 min cool-down.

I'm heading back to the Doc to see whats's up with my foot shortly. Because all these non-weight bearing workouts and no running and no biking is still keeping me in pain.


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