170 mph on a BIKE?!? Trying to Take Down a 20+ Year Old World Record

>> Saturday, September 21, 2019

Denise Mueller-Korenek was a world class cyclist for years, then took some time off before coming back last summer. She was out to beat a World Record set in 1995 for the fastest "paced" cyclist (meaning she had a car as a wind-break in front of her).

This 16 minute mini-documentary shows her journey. I thought this was a nice thing to kick back and watch on a weekend:

The "double" front gear of her bike and the mechanics that it takes to go that fast are very interesting to me. She can't pedal the bike below 100 mph because it's too hard based on the gearing it takes to go 170+ mph. It's not a "light"-looking bike (in fact, it looks quite beefy) because she doesn't need to worry about cutting easily through the wind. Any World Record is a feat, but this attempt was at 45 years old, and that's amazing!


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