Injury Update: Nothing on X-Ray

>> Thursday, September 26, 2019

It's been over 6 weeks since my last run. And my heel pain isn't going away. It gets achy and sore if I'm just on my feet. Not even moving around much, but just standing.

I had an x-ray on Monday just as "the next step," but that came back clear of any issues.

Wristband post-xray.

So I have an appointment with a podiatrist next week. I'll work up my life story (or at least all the details of the last 8 weeks or so) and see what she has to say about it all. I could use some answers.

*thumbs down emoji*


Catrina 7:16 AM, September 26, 2019  

So sorry to hear your foot isn't any better. I can relate, I have been off running for 9 months now (Achilles tendon). I am slowly easing back into running... 3 minutes at a time. I hope your heel will heal faster!

Steve Stenzel 5:29 PM, September 26, 2019  

Thanks Catrina! Me too! And I hope you can get back to it shortly as well. Good luck!!

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