Official Photos from the Life Time Fitness Triathlon

>> Monday, July 20, 2015

Life Time Fitness paired up with Athlinks to provide athletes with free race pics from the Minneapolis Triathlon 10 days ago! Here are some of me and my team at work:

Getting ready to lead off the "relay" wave.

Blowin' past a granny.

In my relay race report, I felt bad I had no photos of Devon on his noble steed.
So I'm glad there are a few here!

One of the final turns, nearing transition.

Jeremy finishing his 16:20 5K, looking like it was NBD.

Then, as I mentioned in my SECOND race report of the day, I headed back to the water to start the SUPER Sprint by myself. (It was actually as Devon was finishing up his ride.) Here are a few pics from that race:

Getting ready to hop back in.

Close up. That's a nice photo of me! I have a gel in 1 hand and my swim cap in the other.

This was the guy who out-swam me in the SUPER Sprint,
and I was starting just out of the frame right next to him.

Me in the background. This guy was one of the hundreds I passed on my shorter run. I passed
him with about a block left. Then he FLEW past me with a final kick provided by the gods!

But seriously, I ran pretty even half-mile splits (all between 2:55-2:58) for the first 2 miles before the final 0.41 to the finish that I ran in 2:17 (5:29 pace). I'm sure I slowly built speed over the final 0.41, so it's easy to say I was running about 5:10 pace in the finisher's chute. This guy had to have flown past at like 4:30-4:45 pace. REALLY. That might be saving a little too much for his final kick, but he did the Oly in a respectable 2:34, so who am I to judge? Nice kick, Mr. Hoffman!

Me behind the speedy kicker!

Close up.

Hitting the line.

Jeremy and I with our relay trophies (holding 1 in the middle for Devon).

Me and the tall speedy swimmer with our SUPER Sprint trophies.

Devon managed to whore his way into appear in many of Matt Payne's photos (the overall winner!).

Poor Nicole did something slightly nasty just after crossing the line as the 3rd female.

Thanks again for the fun race, Life Time! If you missed my 2 race reports, HERE'S our Sprint relay race report, and HERE'S my SUPER Sprint race report.


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