CEP Compression Socks Review / Giveaway

>> Wednesday, July 08, 2015

I was sent some CEP No-Show Compression Socks a few weeks ago. Since then, I've tried them out a few times.

Of course I was skeptical - I like knee-high compression socks and calf sleeves, but what good would a "no-show" sock be? I was told these were the benefits of a no-show "foot only" compression sock:

Fact is that compression offers a range of benefits that go beyond circulatory advantages. Compression based no-show running socks help mitigate the onset of Plantar Fasciitis, reduce swelling, and due to the snug ergonomic profile of the sock, will never rub or cause blistering.

They have a size chart on their website for finding the correct fit. It's a COMPRESSION sock after all, so it needs to be tight but not crazy tight. I had to measure the circumference of my foot and compare that to my shoe size to find out that I was a "size 3" in their no-show socks.

My pair.

On my feet. Notice there's a specific left and right.

I've "tested" these socks 4 times now. I first put them on when the bottom of my foot was getting a little sore. That happens a few times a week, and I usually have to roll my foot on a golf ball for a few minutes to "massage" it away. I wanted to see if the socks would help. The socks are tight all around, but especially tight (or I guess "tighter than normal socks") in the arch where I have pain. And by the end of the night, the pain had gone away. That usually doesn't happen unless I relatively aggressively massage it out. Nice.

Two times I've just worn them when my feet for sore, and 2 times I wore them on a run. I didn't know how they'd do for me because I'm turning into a little bit of a "running sock snob" - I need to have a certain thickness and density to my running socks. And these were well thinner than my norm. But they do have some thin "pads" on the bottom in spots. Turns out, they were totally fine on runs. I can totally see the point they made of "due to the snug ergonomic profile of the sock, will never rub or cause blistering." I forgot I was wearing different socks until 4 miles into my first run (and that wasn't because something seemed different at that point - I just finally remembered I was "testing" new socks). They were totally fine for running. No problem what-so-ever. If you could aid from some compression on your feet withOUT the warmth of knee-high socks, these would be great for you.


FIRST: "Like" the Steve in a Speedo page on Facebook, and comment on the post about this giveaway to be entered! It's that easy. I'll pick a random winner from the people who comment on the post about this CEP No-Show Compression Sock giveaway on my Facebook page. Easy!

SECOND: If you want to earn an EXTRA entry (totally optional), follow me and CEP Sports USA on Twitter and send out this tweet to show your love:

I just entered the @CEPCOMPRESSION sock giveaway on @SteveinaSpeedo’s blog - http://iwannagetphysical.blogspot.com/

Say, for example, I get 30 comments on the Facebook post and 10 tweets, I'll pick a number from 1-40 to pick a winner (calling the 30 comments #1-30 and the 10 tweets #31-40). So you can be entered twice to better your odds! I'll pick a winner sometime mid to late next week (around the 15th or 16th).

Pseudo-legal stuff:
- Contest only open to residents of the US. Sorry Canada.
- You may comment now on the post on the Steve in a Speedo page on Facebook and/or send out the tweet through Tuesday, July 14th.
- The winner will be chosen at random by a random number generator or by drawing numbers out of a hat. If you’ve earned multiple entries, you will get multiple numbers, thus bettering your chances at winning.
- Check back to see if you won! (I'll post the winner on my Facebook page too, but I don't want you to miss it.)
- If the winner does not contact me within 2 days after being announced, I'll be forced to draw a new winner. So check back and KEEP checking back in case the winner is lame!
- And as always, CEP just gave me socks to review; they didn't ask me to say anything or sway my review in any way.

So head over now to the Steve in a Speedo page on Facebook and comment on the CEP post to be entered! Do it now! (Before the end of the day on July 14th.)

Thanks for the sweet No-Show Compression Socks, CEP!


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