Family Vacation

>> Saturday, July 25, 2015

I spent from last Saturday through yesterday at a cabin with my family in northern Minnesota. Pharmie got a few days off work, but she had to go back Tuesday night, so the boys and I held down the fort without Mama for a few days. Here are a few photos from the week:

Breakfast and cartoons with the cousins.

Supper on the deck.

Showing off his pipes.

Another dirty wet hole. (Similar to the pics at the end of this camping post from last month.)

4 cousins on the beach with the 2 Mamas.

Rinsing the sand off Charlie before coming inside.

Naked baby and Mama!


Henry's "nest" in Grandpa and Grandma's room. It's 10:30 p.m. here and he's passed out.


Cozy with Grandpa (my Dad) for just a moment.

Boat ride!

Dad's jet ski!

After tubing with Henry.

Tubing with my bro-in-law Dave and nephew Ian. We had a good run, then someone
suggested trying to stand up. Notice Ian laughing, and me falling backwards.

That splash is me. Oops.

Remember this post last weekend from the ER? We had to take the staples out on vacation.
Here's what they looked like after being in Henry's head for a week.

It was a family affair. There were tears, but Henry did great. It felt a LOT better
right away - he never wanted me to touch the staples, but he told me I could
touch his wound an hour after pulling out the staples!

For the scrapbook. Yikes!

From my Instagram: "Charlie found Grandma's Smirnoff Ice. It hit him quick and hard."

Great Grandma with the Great Grandkids.

My folks with their grandkids.

The lake looked like THIS on our final morning...

... so I HAD to go for a swim!

I went on 3 long rides down a boring, flat bike trail over 5 days on vacation too. On the final day, I had some pretty bad soreness on my left "sit bone." I had a big blood blister saddle sore that was huge. I looked up some advice online, and took care of it. I took photos. I'll post about that on Monday. Get ready.


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