Friday Funny 948: My TWO Races Tomorrow!

>> Friday, July 10, 2015

This isn't my traditional "Friday Funny." But this is still kinda funny.

I posted a few weeks ago about racing as a relay tomorrow with Devon and Jeremy at the Life Time Fitness Triathlon.

Getting our relay award at last year's Waconia Triathlon

The NEW news is that 55 minutes after I start the swim for our relay, I'll be hopping back in the water to do the new "SUPER Sprint" distance by myself! DOUBLE RACE DAY!!

The new SUPER Sprint has a pretty short swim and run, but it has a SUPER short bike:

See those SUPER Sprint numbers? A 0.25 mile swim, a 3.92 mile bike, and a 2.41 mile run. Locals, look at that bike course map: the SUPER Sprint just heads around Nokomis, but then where the Sprint and Oly turn right to head to the Mississippi River, we SUPER Sprinters turn left and head directly back to transition! That bike distance compared to the run is the equivalent of an Oly tri having a 15 mile bike (normally 0.93 mile swim, 24.8 bike, and 6.2 run). I'll be running for more time than I'm biking!

I told my relay partners that I'll still be swimming "all out" for the glory of team "Handsome, Hairy and Here to Win." (I told Jeremy I feel bad because I probably won't be able to see him running - I might be in T1 when those guys are doing the chip exchange in T2.) I'll easily be the weak link in our relay with those 2 studs taking the chip after me. But I'll still have enough left in the tank for a short tri. The 2nd swim for me should be fine. I don't know what to expect over such a SHORT and hard bike, though! With a good number of turns and such a short ride after mounting and before dismounting, my split won't be insanely fast. And then I'll just crank out whatever I can over the final 2.41 mile run. I know I'll be FINE on the bike, but I'm just not used to doing something that FAST and SHORT. The swim distance is right up my alley, and the run is right in the middle of the run distances of the tris (or final runs of duathlons) that I've done this year, so I'm trained: I've done 1.55, 2, 2.5, 3, and 4 miles.

I think I'll be finishing around 36 minutes, which is a SUPER short tri! (Rough estimations [not goals] of 7:00 swim, 2:00 T1 [big T zone], 11:00 bike, 1:30 T2, 15:00 run = 36:30.) Only my indoor tri a year ago was quicker. Should be a fun morning! Keep an eye on my tweets for up-to-date race coverage!

Oh, and don't forget to enter my CEP Compression Sock giveaway and my Aurorae Resistance Bands giveaway! Back with another ACTUAL "Friday Funny" soon. In the meantime, go to my tumblr for funny things.


Anonymous,  6:56 PM, July 10, 2015  

Heh, you said you're not used to doing something that fast and short.... are you sure???
- a long time anonymous reader that has had too many cocktails tonight

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