Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: Swim Slower to Get Faster

>> Thursday, November 27, 2014

For today's "Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday," I'll direct you back to Monday's post about "CSS training." I've done a few workouts based on this idea, and I like it. I got confirmation from 2 other speedy swimmers that the theory behind it is sound and makes sense.

So go check out my recent blog post about CSS swimming.

p.s. I wrote about six swim workouts I did 2 weeks ago, and one of them was the 40x50 workout I like to do. (This workout is TOTALLY AGAINST the idea of CSS, but the CSS site talked about incorporating faster swims at times.) When I did this swim a few weeks back, my 8 "all out" 50s averaged 39.13. Two days ago, my 8 "all out" 50s averaged 36.88! PROGRESS! Check out the workout details here - I like this workout!

p.p.s. Regarding my swimming, I'm officially at 17,850 yards for the month. I BELIEVE I've only cracked 20,000 yards once before as Coach Jen was having me swim a lot as no-impact training leading up to my sub-60 TC 10 Mile 4 years ago. I say I "believe" that I've only cracked 20,000 once before because my workout logs were on paper before September of 2009, and I haven't looked through those. (I saw in this post from 2007 that I was proud that I logged 11,500 yards IN ONE WEEK leading up to Ironman, but I was swimming pretty sporadically - I'll have to find my old logs and see what they say).

So in the last 5 years and 3 months of online workout logs, here are the top 4 swimming months:
   - Aug 2010: 25,817 yds (training with Julia and Coach Jen for the TC 10)
   - Sept 2010: 19,825 yds (still training for the TC 10)
   - July 2010: 18,559 yds
   - May 2010: 17,850 yes (that's perfectly tied with this month!)

Notice those were all months in 2010. Pre-Henry. That all added up to my biggest swimming year with 151,806.6 yards. I won't break that this year, but I could get close to 140,000 yards - I was very sporadic in 2010 where some months would be SO TINY, but this year I've just been a little more consistent (well, at least early in the year, and then again after May when my ankle started feeling better).

A friend gave me a 2,250 yard workout that sounds interesting, so I hope to fit that in during these next few days of Thanksgiving meals. That will put my at 21,000 yds for the month!HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!! Stop back tomorrow for some "Friday Funnies!"


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