Friday Funny 828: 1st vs 2nd Kid

>> Friday, November 21, 2014

Our current Parents Magazine had this all-too-true comparison about your first and second kids:

That's all true for us so far, except for Henry's (our first) potty training. He was a CHAMP and just decided one day BEFORE HE WAS TWO that he didn't need diapers. Let's home Charlie (#2) is just as easy!

Lots more funny stuff on!


SteveQ 11:48 AM, November 21, 2014  

I was kid 7. By then the rules were like "No heroin in the living room when Dad's home."

Steve Stenzel 1:58 PM, November 21, 2014  

Ha SteveQ! That explains so much about you. :)

Anonymous,  3:25 PM, November 21, 2014  

So true! L*v's baby diapers (I don't work for them or even live in a country where they are sold) has a hilarious series of commercials on this theme. If you haven't seen, google away!!!

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