Friday Funny 826: Three Gross Words (and some funny links)

>> Friday, November 14, 2014

Like I do every few weeks, here are some of my recent favorite posts from my tumblr page:

Athletic-Related Funnies:

Sweet abs.

T-Rex working out.

Seen in a bike shop.

A vegan crossfitter.

MTB fail.


[GIF] Teamwork.

This kid is awesome. Thank buddy.

[GIF] Why would you try this on a treadmill?

This athlete with 1 leg has the BEST Halloween costumes.

A bike neatly organized.

[GIF] I'm straight, but if I weren't...

This is me when I eat healthy.

Non-Athletic Funnies:

A Freudian coffee cup.

[GIF] One of my favorite puns.

Awesome Will Ferrell group costume.

Who wants to have a tea party with me this weekend?

Double standards.

Flu "shots."

Here's your horoscope for next week.


[GIF] Beware of No Shave November.

No alcohol beyond this point.

This is the sexiest card ever.

Apology accepted.


2014 is almost over.

Make sure you have some info about what you're having tattooed on your body.

Why we have 2 boys.

[GIF] I don't know if you tricked out this car the right way...

Jimmy John's makes a "penis" joke.

We're kinda weird.

Scariest jack-o-lantern EVER!


And as always, swing by for funnies all week long. Happy weekend!!


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