Official Photos from the Lake Marion Triathlon

>> Monday, August 25, 2014

The Lake Marion Triathlon just loaded a TON a race photos to their Facebook page, and I found a few of me and my gang in there. These help tell the story of my race report, but with a lot more photos:

Buddy Justin, me, Angela, and Lance (who ended up winning).
LOVE LANCE'S SHIRT. (He's a cross country coach!)

Justin and his wife - it was Kelly's FIRST triathlon!

Related somehow. I'm like 99.4% sure.

Pre-race meeting.

That's Lilla on the left. I was right next to him off camera.
(He ended up in 5th, just 2 spots behind me.)

This photo is packed with those fast-swimming 17-year-olds that I kept mentioning
in my race report. I'm JUST off frame to the left, right next to Lilla.

Justin to the far left, Lilla to the far right, and ME right in the middle!

Close-up of that last photo. Sweet.

Swimmers getting back to shore. You can see the final Oly turn WAY out there,
and our final Sprint turn just 2 buoys back with people rounding it.

Stranger with sweet guns. Ladies, you're welcome.

Bro-in-law Matt finishing his 2nd Oly swim!

Matt's fiancée Angela (looking like a bad ass) hitting the beach.

I ALWAYS look like a doof on my bike. Always. It's like a law of physics.

Lilla getting ready to pass me (I'd catch him back on the run).

Tim who finished just behind me in 4th overall.


Look - another Goldiocks!! (That's the name of my gold Specialized.)

Alien head.

Starting the run. When I look pooped during a race, I seem to age about 15 years.

I think this was the final 17-year-old that I kept leap-frogging on the bike.

Justin looking awesome as he starts the run.

This is the 40-year-old who started in the wave behind me who finished with
a better time to take 2nd overall. He got me by 16 seconds.

Literally SECONDS after I crossed the line, with Lance the winner.

One of the most awkward final kicks ever caught on film. Oh, and wouldn't you know it - the
guy in black is the same guy who had a "Goldilocks" bike. Maybe that bike makes us awkward.


This is Nate who I chatted with the night of the Trinona Time Trial - he was staying
in the same dorm as me in Winona. He was 8th overall in the Oly in 2:13 at this race!
(Yes, he raced nude.)

I chatted with Farlig (from pre-race.
He's got a SWEET "Ironman WI in training" farmers tan.

Matt ages like I do during races. But SWEET PR Matt!

And another SWEET PR for Matt's bride-to-be Angela!

OH MY GOD THAT'S AMAZING HAIR!!!!!! He needs to be in a L'Oréal commercial.

Here's my full race report from last week if you missed it - there aren't many photos in it, but use the ones here to help fill in the story.


Shinianen 11:42 AM, August 25, 2014  

Where did the football come from??!?!?!?!!?!!

Unknown 4:47 PM, August 25, 2014  

Nice chatting with you pre-race. Great job on the finish. I can't believe my photo made it onto your site. Does that mean that now I'm all famous 'n' stuff?
Eric (Farlig)

Steve Stenzel 12:43 PM, August 28, 2014  

Ha Eric! I always just BARELY remember your (real) name. But when I see you, "Farling" comes out of my mouth right away! It's easy to remember those online names! :)

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