Training is on Track!

>> Saturday, August 30, 2014

When I did the 4.4 mile run at the end of the Waseca Triathlon on July 27, it was my longest run in months. Two weeks after that, I started ramping up my mileage for the "TC Looney Challenge" - a 10K and 5K 90 minutes apart on Oct 4, and then the TC 10 Mile on Oct 5. I posted a few weeks ago just after I ran a 6.2 mile run that I wanted to build a mile/week for 3 more weeks. Well, that's gone good so far - I just ran 9.2 miles yesterday.

So this next week will be a bit of an easier week (sticking to my plan from a few weeks ago). Ideally, I'd do more biking and swimming, but I don't know if that will happen. I think I'll run less, but make sure to focus on a solid week of my PT leg/butt exercises. Then I have 3 more weeks to build (with long runs of 10+, 11+, and 12+ miles) before an easy week leading up to race weekend on Oct 4 and 5.

What I'm coming to terms with is that this will be 3 slower races for me. FIRST of all, they're all back-to-back-to-back, so I'll be tired. SECOND of all, I'm still working back from a year of injuries. I've been looking at some of my workouts from Coach Jen 4 years ago leading up to the TC 10 Mile. Here are a few that I did with times from THIS YEAR vs times from FOUR YEARS AGO with Jen:

• 4 mile descending tempo:
25:04 last week
23:55 in 2010

• 1-mile repeats:
3x1 mile in 5:48, 5:48, and 5:48 on Tues (posted about it here) - track times would be more like 5:45s
4x1 mile in 5:40, 5:34, 5:25, and 5:18 in 2010

• 8 x (3 mins HARD, 3 mins EASY):
Covered 7.10 miles last night
Covered 7.23 miles in 2010

Bottom line: It looks like I'll be injury free and I'll have put in the distance to cover the weekend of racing in 5 weeks. But the speed won't be there.

In other news, Henry and I went to the Minnesota State Fair on Wednesday, and we dove into some deep fried chocolate chip cookie dough:

CLICK HERE for more photos of Henry and I at the fair on my Root Beer Blog.


Friday Funny 783: Your Kids

>> Friday, August 29, 2014

My boys will have this unfortunate realization someday:

Lots more funny stuff posted all week long on! Happy weekend!


Friday Funny 782: Small but Profound Epiphanies

Some of these are slightly mind-blowing.


That we KNOW of.

I get more and more depressed as I think about this.

Lots more funnies on!


Friday Funny 781: Riding Invisible Bikes

This is pointless. But yet, here it is.

Check out lots more funny stuff on


Friday Funny 780: Bizarre Google Autocompletes

Here are 20 bizarre Google autocompletes:

Why would you ever need to Google that?

You CAN'T?!?

This question has bothered me for a long time.

Yes. Wait... what?

I hate that too.

I only need 2 good reasons.

Everyone dies.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I like to think of him as a magical woodchuck.

Is this a common problem?

Again, is this that common?

Good question. I'm getting hungry. Hurry Jesus.

How hard can it be? Just eat them.

I'm glad this is a problem for someone other than me.


I don't know. Google it.

Find more funny stuff on!


Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: When Do People Run

>> Thursday, August 28, 2014

File this under "I" for "Interesting... but who really cares."

Runner's World posted some info on what times of day people tend to do their running in 30 different countries. Here's what they found, and some of the explanation of the "peaks" is interesting:

Worldwide, 18% of all recorded runs take place between 6 and 9 a.m. compared with nearly 32% between 5 and 8 p.m. during weekdays.

And here are 2 overlays of when those 30 countries run on the WEEKDAYS vs WEEKENDS:



People don't seem to like to get up on weekday mornings to run, but they really like to get an early start on the weekend. On the weekend, 32% of runs happen between 8 and 11 a.m., while just 12 percent of runs are logged between 5 and 8 p.m.

Interesting? Maybe. Helpful? Probably not. But it's just oddly comforting to know that I'm out there hitting the pavement at the same time as someone else half-way around the globe.

CLICK HERE for all posts tagged with "Thirsty Thursday" - posts with random, interesting, and (sometimes) helpful info.



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