2011 Year-End Totals

>> Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Here's what I have in my training log:

- Swim: 76,731.45 yards (43.60 miles, 1.76 mph ave)
- Bike: 516.66 miles (19.39 mph ave)
- Run: 748.23 miles (7:02 / mile ave)
- Bike Trainer: 13 hours, 38 minutes (all in the first months of 2011)
- Strength / Core: 110 hours, 26 minutes
- Elliptical Trainer: 1 hour, 10 minutes (all at the end of 2011)
- Aqua Jogging: 50 minutes
- Walking: 38 hours, 57 minutes (mostly with Henry)
- Weight: 155.0 start, 154.6 end, 159.2 high (Jan), 150.2 low (Sept), 154.47 average
- Body Fat: (monthly ave) 14.06% high (Mar), 11.90% low (Oct), 13.04% average

No spin classes and no mountain biking.


- Swim: about 50% less than 2010, but just a bit more than 2009. In 2010, I swam a lot with swimming buddy Julia, which got those numbers up. In 2011, I didn't swim for about 3 months after my last tri!

- Bike: Lowest. Year. Ever. I only logged bike miles April - August. I just don't care for "training" on my bike (I don't mind casual rides around town). Gotta work on that in 2012. Maybe.

- Run: about 160 miles less than last year, but I can't complain. This year, I spent all of February injured, and I only logged 8 miles that month (and then only 22 miles in March). And I hurt my foot in July, and laid off the running a bit. Then I went on to log more miles the last half of this year than the first half (300 vs 447) EVEN with little Henry around - thankfully, he LOVES running in his stroller and we had a warm December! In fact, December was my second highest run-mileage month! In January, I logged 91 miles, and last month, I logged 88 miles (42 were with Henry!).

- Strength / Core: about 70% more than last year! That's partially due to doing a lot of PT work on my legs about 10 months ago. (I MAY have sometimes done my PT prescribed leg exercises in my office during my highly under-utilized office hours.)

- Weight: a bit better than last year! About a pound lower on average, after gaining a little weight in 2010.

- Body Fat: Only 4 of my monthly averages this year were lower than my highest single monthly average last year. Damn.


- Duathlons: 4 total (2 individually, 2 as a relay)
- Triathlons: 3 total (all sprints)
- Half Marathons: 1
- 10 Mile: 1
- 5K: 2 (both indoor on a 200 meter track)
- Other: 2: a 1 mile (on a 200 meter track) and a "kitten" mile

(There are 5 for 2011)

- 1 mile PR in January (4:49.53 - a PR of 3.48 seconds from a month before!).
- Won my first "Apple" at the Apple Duathlon in May by placing 2nd in my AG (one of my first multi-sport goals from 2006).

- Matt and I won BOTH of our duathlon relays as "Team Happy Pants" (both were races where we've come in 2nd or 3rd in the past, but never 1st), and both wins were come-from-behind!

At the wet and chilly Oakdale Duathlon

At the muddy Gear West Duathlon

- Missed my only Oly tri of the year because my wife was giving birth!

6 hour old Henry

- In the 5 multi-sport races where I raced INDIVIDUALLY (2 duathlons and 3 sprint triathlons), I placed in my age group in 3 of them! That's a great percentage (in my book). Here's my age group placement:

      - 4th out of 13 at the Falls Duathlon
      - 2nd out of 21 at the Apple Duathlon
      - 5th out of 49 at the Life Time Fitness Triathlon
      - 2nd out of 17 at the Waseca Triathlon
      - 3rd out of 20 at the Lake Marion Triathlon


- For the second year in a row, I ran more than I biked. I just don't care for biking. I've dealt with that. By not biking.

- I feel SO lucky that Nov and Dec were so nice! I logged over 74 running miles with Henry between those 2 months (out of the 158 that I ran total).

- My strength work slowed down after Henry was born, but I still try to bang out 20 minutes here-or-there if I have a moment. I've gotten good at doing that. I miss the "long, slow burn" of a longer workout, but I just have to live with the quick intense workouts that I have time for now.

- Last year was my first year since I started doing triathlons (2006) that did NOT contain an Oly or longer! All sprints! I'm OK with that! I'd like to do an Oly this year, but nothing longer.

- My "yearly race count" is going down. That helped out a LOT in 2010 to keep me injury free when I was trying to be smart. But I'd like to race a BIT more this year. If you add up my running and multisport races listed above for 2011, you get 13; in 2010 it was 15; in 2009 it was 19; and in 2008 it was 21.

Back in a bit with my goals for 2012, and how I did achieving my 4 goals for 2011 (short answer: not well). And if you missed Henry's "year in review" post from Monday, click here to check that out.


Carolina John 7:18 AM, January 04, 2012  

I just don't care for biking. I've dealt with that. by not biking.

True words my friend. true indeed. I have the same coping mechanism.

BriTriGuy 10:16 AM, January 04, 2012  

For 2012 I'd like to see stats on how much time you spend logging all your data.

TriMOEngr 10:52 AM, January 04, 2012  

Funny, I dealt with not liking running by biking from April through early October. But as it got colder, I ditched the bike and am building up to running (still have to walk some). My first time back on the bike in about two months (last weekend) was not really a good time. I hope it can be again.

I enjoyed Henry's update more, but you had some very solid numbers this year given his arrival in the middle of it all.

GoBigGreen 1:21 PM, January 04, 2012  

you are always welcome to swim with me and steve H just holler. Square Lake this summer had a whole new cast of fish, you have to make an appearance this spring! Pharmie too

Dr. 3:27 PM, January 04, 2012  

I'd love to keep a training log that detailed! Love the picture of your son too-Henry is one of my favorite names.

Michael 3:40 PM, January 04, 2012  

I think your numbers are great from where I'm at now, and you're certainly holding your own (and then some) by your placements in the races in which you participated.

I too really liked Henry's update, and hope he becomes a regular guest poster. The poop explosion will truly gross....well done ! It brings back so many memories of some "quality times" with my little one (who is all grown up at 6 now).

marplemk1 7:26 AM, January 08, 2012  

What do you use to track indoor trainer time? Is there some feature I'm missing on a site like beginnertriathlete?

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