Tweets That I've Twitted on Twitter

>> Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just some random fun on Twitter recently:

"Going to a male ob/gyn is like going to a mechanic that never owned a car." Nice. True. I'm assuming.

Everyone asks Henry's name, but no one asks mine. #NewDadPains

PATIENT: "The problem is that obesity runs in my family."
DOCTOR: "No, the problem is that NO ONE runs in your family."

Based on some remarks from friends on Twitter, I've started a "daily poop tweet." Between my sometimes strange bowel movements and my son's sometimes strange pretty normal (for a baby) bowel movements, I figure it was only appropriate. Here are 2:

First #DailyPoopTweet: Henry had a MAJOR poop all over his changing pad. Lets just say now I can NEVER eat butterscotch softserve ice cream.

3rd #DailyPoopTweet: Just took out a trashbag of Henry's dirty diapers, but "topped it off" w/ BBQ meat-chunks from the crockpot. #NastyFunk

If you're on twitter, feel free to follow me for plenty about poop.

In a totally unrelated note, here are 2 recent photos of Henry:

Figuring out how to stay upright

He usually sleeps in the mystical "iron cross" position

Back with a giveaway TOMORROW!


JP Severin 3:34 PM, October 16, 2011  

Dude... you are like once in a generation funny. Seriously.

The Triathlon Rx 6:35 PM, October 16, 2011  

And don't forget the daily poop tweets retelling your OWN bathroom tales:

"Ever have one of those poops that feels SO PERFECT that all seems right with the world afterwards? Yeah, just had one of those."


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