Post TC 10 Mile Gross Feet

>> Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My new Nike Zoom Structure Triax have been treating my feet MUCH BETTER than my Brooks Adrenalines. I'd been wearing Brooks for a while, but my toes kept getting beat up. Going back to Nikes was a good decision.

However, I noted the following in my TC 10 Mile race report from around the 5 mile mark:

My legs felt OK, my breathing wasn't too bad, and what hurt the most was the bottom of my feet. They were starting to scream!

Well, just a few days ago (2 weeks after the race), I finally got some photos of my feet. They don't really look that bad, but you have to keep in mind that the abuse they underwent was 2 weeks ago.

Soft blister and hairy, hairy, hairy toes

Callous on big toe, and a blood blister with a callous over it lower down my foot

Odd, tiny blood blister on the tip of my toe

Peeling and trimming the blister

Really, my feet aren't doing bad at all. This slight mess came from the 10 mile race - most runs treat my feet just fine now! Thanks Nike!

Back with race photos from the TC 10 Mile tomorrow! And if you haven't entered the Lazer Helmet giveaway, scroll down 1 post or click here to enter.


The Triathlon Rx 10:28 AM, October 19, 2011  

I'm going to refrain from commenting on the feet, since I can't say much better for my own right now.

BUT... do you really need that much stability to run in the Structure? Obviously I've never *seen* you run, but that's just surprising to me. :)

Anonymous,  8:26 PM, October 19, 2011  

The hair on the toe has to go!

Jennifer P 8:44 PM, October 19, 2011  

I shave my toe hair for that same reason.

Pattie Ekman 8:42 PM, October 20, 2011  

Dude. Shave those toes. That is all.

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