Moist Half Marathon Photos

>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010

(If you are here to vote for the “Gnarliest Injury Photo Contest” scroll down to the previous post or click here.)

A few weeks ago, I ran the Winter Carnival Half Marathon on a chilly, wet day, while taking video along the way. Click here to see the video.

Here are some “official” photos from that day:

Chatting with Jenny and Guy beforehand.

Mark’s photo of me taking video just before the start (0:12 of my video).

Securian’s “mascot” leading the start of the race.

Photos from the same photographer: around mile 1 and mile 12.
(Note the camera in hand!)

At the turn-around, if you watch the video I took, you hear me shouting for Gary (from 0:48 - 0:53). It was for Gary Westland from Charities Challenge - he was hosting a party and snapping shots of runners at the turn-around. (BTW, check out all of his images of runners at the turn-around here.) I caught his attention JUST as I was running by. If you listen to the video right after I turn around, you hear Gary saying, “’s ‘Steve in a Speedo’ man! I gotcha buddy!” Here are the 2 shots he got of me:

Taking video as I round the cone.

Running back towards downtown, 6.55 miles to go!

Awkwardly hitting the finishline while filming and hitting my watch.

Remember my New Year’s Resolution of trying to get a shot of me hitting my watch at the finishline of every race? So far in 2010 I’m 1-for-1! Sweet!

Oh, and here are 2 interesting photos I found in the mix. Here’s a freezer running the race. (As in the kind of freezer you have in your basement filled with frozen pizza, microwave dinners, and people who’ve pissed you off.) She has the name of a local appliance company on her chest:

Nice work, crazy lady!!

And this guy must have had some problems with his racing flats. You can see his shoes tucked into his shorts around mile 12 (on the left), and then he pulled out his shoe with the chip on it as he went over the timing mat (on the right):

I wonder how long he ran barefoot!? Crazy man!

The worst part: that shoeless guy finished about a minute faster than me, in 1:27:xx!!

So if you didn’t see the video I took along the way, click here to check it out. And make sure to scroll down to yesterday’s post to vote for the “gnarliest” injury photo!

AND, make sure to stop back tomorrow as Road ID will be giving away any style of Road ID to one lucky commenter on tomorrows post. Don’t miss it!


Jen 8:39 AM, February 16, 2010  

The shoeless guy made me laugh out loud.

Great race report.

Christi 8:47 AM, February 16, 2010  

I like the photos. I think the one of the lady as a refrigerator was great!

Anne 9:14 AM, February 16, 2010  

Cool video...impressive that you can take the time to film while running :) ...loved the pics!

Carolina John 10:37 AM, February 16, 2010  

geez, beat out by a shoeless guy. homeless people running faster than you now steve?

Steve Stenzel 10:49 AM, February 16, 2010  

HA! Yeah... thanks John.... ;)

Badgergirl 11:37 AM, February 16, 2010  

Chuckled at the pics of the shoeless man. But I bet he had cold feet when he was done.

teacherwoman 11:57 AM, February 16, 2010  

OMG! Crazy barefoot guy! That's hilarious!

Dori 11:58 AM, February 16, 2010  

You would have beat barefoot guy if you hadn't been filming. Happy Fat Tuesday!

Dori 11:58 AM, February 16, 2010  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim 3:32 PM, February 16, 2010  

steve, you dont look like you want to die! awesome photos!!!

CoachLiz 6:21 PM, February 16, 2010  

I thought that barefoot guy was wearing a running skirt at first. I did not know those were his shoes stuck in his shorts. Dang the pavement must have been cold.

Beth 7:16 PM, February 16, 2010  

You may have been beaten by the shoeless guy, but I think that the freezer lady beat me. I remember seeing her a couple times which makes me think she was in front of me. I have problems...

birdboatboy 8:19 PM, February 16, 2010  

A pleasure to meet you tonight at the Dome. I think the barefoot guy was probably the one who benefited most from the mild temperatures this year.

Steve Stenzel 8:58 PM, February 16, 2010  

Nice to meet you too, Peter! Hope to see you at the Mudball! Happy training!

Aileen 12:14 PM, February 17, 2010  

Hahaha...and the barefoot experiment continues. I hope he doesn't get frostbite.

Great race report!

Anonymous,  6:50 PM, February 26, 2010  

nice post. thanks.

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