Friday Funny 75: Does It Work: Old School Running Shorts

>> Friday, February 05, 2010

March 30th, 2008. That was the first day I wore my short yellow shorts (AKA “Bowl Full of Sunshine) from my old high-school. I won the race and set my 5K PR of 17:27:

Was there any question as to WHY I was so fast? I just wore the shorty-shorts as a joke, but I found out they were QUITE comfortable to run in! Really!

I wore them for the Gear West Duathlon a few months after that where Matt and I (“Team Happy Pants”) took 2nd place:

And that summer, I tested them on a 13.1 mile run in Madison at WIBA. They held up GREAT for that run:

At the end of the season in 2008, “Team Happy Pants” was back to set a course record at the Cannon-Wells Duathlon:

And that fall, I won a 5K in the Bowl Full of Sunshine, and set my 3rd fastest 5K time ever:

Starting the second lap.

So last year, I wore them for similar races. Here they are at the 2009 Gear West Duathlon (where Matt and I got second AGAIN):

(We’ll be trying for first again this year)

And again at the 2009 Cannon-Wells Duathlon, where we took first once again:

And I debuted them in their longest race to date: the TC 10 Mile back in October:

When I put them on, I feel fast. It feels like everything’s saying “It’s time to RACE!” (It’s like that feeling I remember from high school when I put on my track spikes and felt how light they were.) I wore them at first as a joke, but they are really are comfortable! And they hold up fine over longer distances - there’s no rubbing or chaffing issues!

Old School Running Shorts: Grade of A. The only thing keeping them from being an “A+” is that once they get wet, they turn to cling-wrap:

Whoops. I’ll be keeping them dry from now on. Yes, officer, I promise.

Have you tried shorty-shorts running shorts? Did your family mock you, too? What are your thoughts? Click on the “Does It Work” tag to see all posts in this mini-series. Happy weekend!!



Anonymous,  3:51 PM, February 05, 2010  

Yes, this makes it worth it. Till now I thought the CLIMAX of the whole series was Mr. Foam Roll.

I wasn't sure whether The Dirty Old Man was sitting on The Poor Little Foam Roll or the Nasty Vicious DIRTY Foam Roll was taking The Poor Old Man by the BACK DOOR. Truly, a hard one to call, but I couldn't help debating the matter (all night).

I finally decided on the usual compromise solution, if only because The Old Man at least appeared to be enjoying it.

It was mutual and therefore consensual, if rather TWISTED, and the best part of the series, TILL NOW....

The short-shorts definitely has it beat, however. They really really WORK, at least on me. Personally, I think you should never be without them, always wear them even in winter, and especially while lecturing....

They're really HOT! It also helps, that these pictures come early in your career, before you became a JADED SUPERSTAR, I mean....

The (relative) innocence makes you even SEXIER....

O well, such is the price of fame....

Great series!

Julie 3:53 PM, February 05, 2010  

Oh my God Steve!! I am laughing so hard that my tummy hurts:) Cheers to happy pants!! Have a great weekend:)

Lindsay 4:21 PM, February 05, 2010  

hahahaha. awesome, just awesome steve. thanks for sharing. and by sharing i mean blurrying-out... ;)

Brent Buckner 6:02 PM, February 05, 2010  

Altered lyrics:
"I've got a bowl, got a bowl full of sunshine, oh, uh oh oh"
(apologies to Natasha Bedingfield)

carrieacampbell 7:14 PM, February 05, 2010  

Different for a woman, I guess, but I love short running shorts!!

Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 7:42 PM, February 05, 2010  

Thank you for the potential sweet dreams tonight.

Steve Stenzel 10:26 PM, February 05, 2010  

Brent: I think of those SAME lyrics!!! Really!! I'm cracking up over here that you said that!! Ha!

Unknown 12:14 AM, February 06, 2010  

Great post! This cracked me up.

SteveQ 10:18 AM, February 06, 2010  

I miss the old New Zealand running shorts where I felt I had to hold the flaps down in the wind (which is probably why they went out of business).

Coach Liz 2:20 PM, February 06, 2010  

Hey, at least with a lighter color, they don't show off the big crotch sweat stain like you see on the dude in the blue shorts at the TC 10 mile.

IronVince: IM WI 2009 and Beyond 7:25 AM, February 08, 2010  

You forgot to mention that they are great to wear while grilling too.

Jeff 12:48 PM, February 08, 2010  

Oh hell yeah short-shorts are where it's AT! Grammar rule #37: Don't end a sentence in a preposition... unless talking about booty shorts.

They are that awesome.

Anonymous,  3:34 PM, April 16, 2014  

show your dick and get over yourself

Anonymous,  10:43 PM, June 23, 2014  

I want to see the uncensored pic

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