Looking Back, Looking Forward

>> Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Some final 2007 year-end numbers, keeping me honest:

Swim: 135,200 yards (or 76.8 miles)
Bike: 1,504.7 miles
Run: 415.5 miles *
Lifting Weights: 118 times

* My running total is so low because of my left knee issue, which was a big problem early in 2007. I ran much more in the last 2 months of 2007 (which is AFTER Ironman training), than in did in the first 4.5 months of 2007 when I had nasty knee pain after running 1 mile. I’m trying to keep that knee strong. It’s already a million times better than it was last year at this time.

2007 Races:
• LTF Indoor Tri: Placed 13th out of 100.
• Apple Duathlon: 1:54:36 (5K: 22:22, 33K bike: 1:07:51, 5K: 21:52).
• WIBA (WI Ironman Brick Adventure): Not really an official event, but just a damn good time.
• Chisago Lakes Half Ironman (my first half IM): 5:47:13 (44:35 swim, 3:05:13 bike, 1:48:15 run).
• Ironman WI (my first IM): 13:53:32 (1:29:10 swim, 7:06:53 bike, 4:58:03 run).
• Monster Dash 5K: Placed 13th in 19:28.
• Tesfa 5K at Fort Snelling: Placed 1st in 19:11.
• Giving Thanks 5K at Como Park: Placed 2nd in 18:43.
• Reindeer Run 5K: Placed about 20th in 19:34. Placed 3rd in the costume contest.

I think 2007 was the “Year of the Penalty.” I was charged with 2 minutes at the Apple Duathlon for “equipment abandonment” when my number few off in the wind. And I zoned out on the bike leg of Ironman (who doesn’t), and was assessed a drafting penalty. Let’s try to avoid this crap in 2008, OK? It was also the “Year of the 13.” I placed 13th in 2 different small events, and finished Ironman in 13 hours (and 53 minutes).

So my goals for 2008? I dunno. Maybe summed up in 2 words, my new year resolution is: do stuff. I’m not much on new years resolutions. I try to make changes as they are needed day-by-day; I don’t say, “Well, I’ll start doing [whatever] on Jan 1st.”

Here’s my tentative race schedule for 2008. I know no one really cares about this, but take a look and see if we’re doing any of the same races. I LOVE to meet bloggers!

• Jan 12: Polar Plunge in White Bear Lake. My first open-water swim of the year!

• Jan 26: St. Paul Winter Carnival Half Marathon. My FIRST half marathon - Yay! In the dead of a Minnesota winter - Boo!

• Feb 2: Race Up The Place: 900 step stair-climb race in the tallest building in downtown St. Paul.

• March-ish: Lifetime Fitness Indoor Triathlon in Chanhassen. I’ve done this race twice. It’s a fun, low-key triathlon early in the season. Great for people wanting to try out tris!

• May 24: Apple Duathlon in Sartell.

• June 21: Grandmas Marathon, Duluth. Yep, after saying I’d never run a marathon, I’m planning to sign up for a marathon. Don’t believe a word I say.

• June 28-29: WIBA ride with IM WI 2008 hopefuls.

• July 12: Lifetime Fitness Olympic Distance Triathlon, Lake Nokomis, Minneapolis.

• July 27: Chisago Lake Sprint Distance Triathlon. I thought about doing the half-IM, but I don’t want to commit myself to that. So I’ll do the sprint instead.

• Nov 1: Tesfa 5K at Fort Snelling. I won this 5K this year. I feel inclined to defend my title.

• A smattering of 5Ks will work their way into 2008 as well. I rarely plan these. It’s more like “Hey! There’s a 5K this weekend! Let’s do it!” Happy New Year!!


Unknown 10:45 AM, January 01, 2008  

Nice recap.
You're doing a OWS in January? You are nuts.... But you knew that already.

CoachLiz 1:31 PM, January 01, 2008  

That Polar Plunge looks WICKED!!! Make sure you have a neoprene cap and some booties or you are going to freeze off more than just your frank and beans!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian 2:14 PM, January 01, 2008  

Have fun in 2008 to "do stuff."

BTW, I put a pictoral "Year in Review" on my blog and guess what? You and Parmie are included.

Stay tuned...

Anonymous,  2:45 PM, January 01, 2008  

Polar Plunge...you are brave! My husband and I ran a race this morning and I was saying how cold it was, and he said "at least we're not doing a polar plunge!!"

Have a great 2008 :)

monica 12:27 AM, January 02, 2008  

"do stuff"

thanks dude, that's now my motto for '08

off to "do stuff"

RunBubbaRun 5:52 AM, January 02, 2008  

Here's to 2008 and to your new best friend, "underarmor".

Hopefully I'll see you at WIBA again in '08 as well.

tracie 7:44 AM, January 02, 2008  

great recap! Best wishes for 2008! :)

triguyjt 7:47 AM, January 02, 2008  

you just have an incredible racing year...with or without hair.
have a great 08

Bob - BlogMYruns.com 10:15 AM, January 02, 2008  

Congrats on ur 2007 Season...look forward to ur journey in 08'

Happy New Year!!

Lance Notstrong 11:12 AM, January 02, 2008  

I don't believe in New Years Resolutions either. If you're going to have bad habits, commit and have them year round :-)

Fe-lady 2:59 PM, January 02, 2008  

Woah....I hate numbers so much I have NOT kept track of mileage for my IM training...how anti-numerical is THAT! I guess they can be impressive tho...also a bit overwhelming when all added up like that! whew!
Every time I see that Chisago race I think someone is mis-spelling "Chicago" Heh, heh- Happy New year to you too!

teacherwoman 8:25 PM, January 02, 2008  

Steve! Tell me more about that indoor Triathlon in Chanhassen! I kind of remember reading about it last year! I might be interested in that, especially since that is where my sister lives! :)

Rainmaker 9:06 PM, January 02, 2008  

Nice season! Well balanced as well. Your 2008 schedule looks like a lot of fun, lots of good stuff mixing it up! And who knows..maybe I'll even wander out for WIBA.

Happy New Year!

IronMin 10:21 PM, January 02, 2008  

Won't Grandmas be your 2nd marathon? I mean, IMOO had to count right?
I hope to get to meet you in person at WIBA! That would be super cool!

MissAllycat 11:07 PM, January 02, 2008  

I'll see you at Grandmas!! I'll finish a few hours after you, but whatever. I'll be there.

IronTriTim 6:55 PM, January 03, 2008  

Nice recap, and good luck with next years races.

Afternoon Tea With Oranges 11:11 PM, January 03, 2008  

Wow, what an awesome you had! And it looks like you don't intend to disappoint for 2008 either! Happy New Year!

Becca 3:05 PM, January 04, 2008  

Sounds like you have a big year ahead of you! Good luck with everything!

Nat 3:52 PM, January 04, 2008  

Looks like a great list so far! I'll be at Gma's (doing the half only). Thanks for the advice on tri stuff! Oh, if you hear anything more on the Chan Tri, let me know as I'd love to do that one too - I live about 2 miles from that Lifetime.

Jumper 2.0 5:47 PM, January 04, 2008  

Hey Steve,

Lifetime doesn't seem to have any info on the 2007 indoor triathlon yet. Will you let us know when they do?

Sarah Elaine 11:30 PM, January 04, 2008  

Happy 2008. I'll be interested to see how your polar bear plunge goes. I've done two of them (in Canada, no less!) and survived... but that was back when I was a crazy 20-something. :-)

Michelle 6:05 AM, January 05, 2008  

You are a crazy man; a polar plunge? That's definitely where I draw the line!

sRod 7:43 AM, January 06, 2008  

Polar bear plunge...didn't you complain about your little fella nearly freezing to death? Now you want that same sensation all over your body?

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