MWM Runner Looking for Life in St. Paul

>> Wednesday, January 16, 2008

“MWM Triathlete looking for other winter athletes, M or F, to acknowledge existence. Please do not reply. Just go for a run on days that I do, and smile and say ‘hi’ to fellow runners. Especially those in gray hoodies.”

On my run yesterday, I took my normal route up and down Summit Avenue in St. Paul. It was a 20 degree day with a wind chill in the single digits, so it was chilly, but far from being “titties cold” (that’s actually my sweet wife Pharmie’s word for really, really cold).

Despite running in the middle of the afternoon in a popular running location for 11 miles, I didn’t see any other runners. Not a single one. I just wanted someone to say “hi” to. I like running in the winter in Minnesota because when 2 runners eyes meet, there’s a bond that forms. It’s a “hey dude, glad to see you’re out in this shit too” kind of a bond. But there was none of that yesterday. Not a single soul out for a run. Nobody to meet, nobody to pass. Bummer.

But at least my run was good. I was hoping to run 11 miles in 1:21:00. Instead, I finished in 1:18:28. I’m sneaking up on 7-minute miles. Sweet. I’m nearly ready for the half marathon in a week and a half. I may run a 12-miler early next week on the race course (despite the forecast which is predicting it to be “titties cold”).

Here’s some proof of my run yesterday:

As always when I show a gross photo,
I hope you were eating.


21stCenturyMom 11:34 AM, January 16, 2008  

Go ahead - make me feel like a total wimp! I can hardly stand to run when it is 40, let alone 20.

Thanks for the gross picture. I'm trying to lose some weight, anyhow ;-)

Marcy 12:33 PM, January 16, 2008  

Damn, I can't see the pic. You know how I love nasty pictures.

Dana 12:33 PM, January 16, 2008  

When your extremities(other than hands & feet) are cold,then you KNOW it's cold! Can ya send some of those winter athletes to Va? I am in the same boat. Very rarely will I see someone on my runs. Occasionally I get walkers & they are going in the opposite direction. So can't pass im!

trimybest 12:45 PM, January 16, 2008  

i have never run on summit and not passed by another runner! there must have been a glitch in the system.

Soapin' Cindy 2:21 PM, January 16, 2008  

Is that a blister or frostbite? Man, do runners have ugly feet!

Afternoon Tea With Oranges 2:43 PM, January 16, 2008  

Awe are right about that bond. A few weeks ago I went running on my lunch break and it was just under 20 degrees. The only other person out running was the President of the company - and I felt that bond!!! I was like, YES!

triguyjt 5:04 PM, January 16, 2008  

I was eating... thank you...actually, I was dining on goat spleen, and washing it down with a shake made with ground up blisters ...

are you eating now??? :-)

7 min miles in the you move fast

MissAllycat 7:02 PM, January 16, 2008  

I'd already had a few glasses of wine before viewing that photo so I wasn't phased. :)

Taconite Boy 7:11 PM, January 16, 2008  


Email Tac. Were (Bigun and I) hoping to interview you next month. If your not to shy about public exposure or anything.

Stef0115 7:26 PM, January 16, 2008  

YIKES that is gross! I am about to eat and this won't deter me since I'm starving, but still . . .

I ran today in the "cold." It was 43 and very gusty out.

Bill 8:23 PM, January 16, 2008  

I was eating.

But those are baby-soft feet. Small, undersized blisters. One might even say wimpy.

Yeah, I'm in the market for a different kind of socks. ;)

RobbyB 8:58 PM, January 16, 2008  

You're funny. Gross. But funny.

CoachLiz 9:30 PM, January 16, 2008  


How in the heck do you get blisters like that on a short run? I did a marathon on Sunday and I didn't get any blisters at all.

Is it time for new shoes or new socks???

Sixteen Chickens 6:41 AM, January 17, 2008  

My hubby says "colder than a witch's tit" maybe it's a regional thing. I don't want to see any proof if you go running on Saturday. Just be sure to wear the man diaper.

Allez 9:10 AM, January 17, 2008  

That's the same place I get blisters! That picture isn't gross. Now if you pulled your foot up to your mouth to nibble on the blisters, THAT would be gross!

Anonymous,  11:10 AM, January 17, 2008  

Your foot looks very similar to mine...the blisters and callouses part.

Great fast run in that cold weather!

My mom always used to say "it's colder than a witch's titty" or "colder than a well digger's butt." (do I sound like Forrest Gump? mama always said...)

jeanne 12:57 PM, January 17, 2008  

well, i spit my coffee back into the cup. so that's better than some other things that might have happened.

does the cold make you run faster? I like to think so anyway.

marz_racer 3:02 PM, January 17, 2008  

Great run. Nice blister.

ShirleyPerly 6:33 PM, January 17, 2008  


(Actually looks a lot like my feet :-)

Kate 9:41 PM, January 17, 2008  

It wasn't the blister that grossed me out but the toe hairs! Yuck.

Nice run by the way.

brendaj 12:08 AM, January 18, 2008  

Ew, pretty gross indeed. Especially so close up...thanks a lot!

Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" 7:42 AM, January 18, 2008  

Ok. Is that blister, callous AND FROST BITE?

No way. 35 is my limit :-)

Triteacher 11:09 AM, January 18, 2008  

Yee-ouch! But you deserve it for being so FAST! Yikes, man - 7s?? Nicely done.

Erin 1:34 PM, January 18, 2008  

I actually was eating at that moment. Eeew. Am not anymore. Perhaps my diet plan should involve scrolling through your blog photos while eating...I'd drop weight in no time.

Unknown 4:57 PM, January 18, 2008  

I'm thinking it's time that you consider a pedicure. I'm just sayin'..

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) 11:13 AM, January 24, 2008  

Come run the Winter Carnival Half marathon on Saturday. I'll be there in my red and black Gear West jacket. We also are running around the lakes (from Harriet Bandshell) at 8:00 on Sunday...

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