Coming To Terms With My New Identity

>> Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I realized something recently. I’ve slowly been changing. My new form has been emerging. I’ve become “that guy.”

I began to realize something was brewing when I found myself commenting things like this on friends’ blogs:
“20 degrees?!? Come on! That’s GREAT running weather! Why’d you stay inside.”
“What?!? You were afraid to go out and run in THAT? Have you SEEN any of my recent posts?!”
and, sometimes simply

OK, I’ve never called anyone a wuss, but I felt like I’ve been getting close to that. I’m holding back. I’m not a jerk. Really. I’m a friendly, fun, happy-go-lucky guy.

Really.’s happened. I somehow became...I don’t even want to say it. I somehow...became...a hardcore winter runner. I’m sorry. I didn’t plan for this. It just sort of happened.

I hope we can still be friends.


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 10:27 AM, January 23, 2008  

Oh gees. I bet you even do stuff like chipperly wave at people shoveling their walkways while running.

Marcy 10:40 AM, January 23, 2008  

I think you get some sort of pleasure out of having your nads frozen to just about death. You're sick :P ;-)

Anonymous,  10:53 AM, January 23, 2008  

I ran on Sunday morning when it was -10 and actually saw 3 other runners!!! Maybe your side of Saint Paul isn't as hard core as my side?

Forget that I cut down my planned 2 hour run to 1 hour before I left the house and then down to 30 minutes once I got out there and lost feeling in my toes... Ugh. OK, so maybe I'm not hard core.

Things are looking up for Saturday's race though! A heatwave, double digits in the positive!

Tri+Umph 11:40 AM, January 23, 2008  


Just kidding, I'm "that guy" too, just for a different "that."

I'm the one who wakes up early enough to run before my morning class; the sun usually comes up during my run.

During class everybody is still pretty zombie-like, where I'm wide awake with blood still pumping from a 5 mile run. I think the prof. likes having someone who's actually awake, but most the other students probably hate me!

Kim 11:45 AM, January 23, 2008  

dude, same here. dont know the last time i was on a treadmill. i got the best windproof undies from my tri-store that keeps my wooha from freezing :) you should look into buying a pair.

brendaj 2:34 PM, January 23, 2008  

I'm sorry I don't have the opportunity to try out all your um..interesting winter running tips.

Tri-Dummy 7:23 PM, January 23, 2008  

I can't wait till you become "that guy."

Angry Steve?

Smithers 7:52 PM, January 23, 2008  

It's okay. I have become "that woman." The one that has a running blog...but doesnt run and fills the blog with empty promises and random complaints....and pictures of the food I eat.

I suck.

I am going to go eat a bowl of ice cream now.

IronTriTim 8:52 PM, January 23, 2008  

I'd love to be that winter runner, afraid I am a warm weather runner.

Anniversary Moments 9:09 PM, January 23, 2008  

hey steve! thanks!! I say kudos to you for becoming "that guy" -- we need more of them!

CoachLiz 10:40 PM, January 23, 2008  

I know what it is...

You like that sense of adventure and going where no runner has wanted to go before...

Blue Balls.

Heck, down here in Texas you can even buy yourself a pair to hang of the hitch of your Chevy pick-up to show the status you have earned.

Keep running!

RunBubbaRun 11:19 PM, January 23, 2008  

I thought you were the "hairy tiddy undie guy"

But wuss, naa, a man who can shave himself and take pics of it, we might call that something else thou :)

Bigun 12:09 AM, January 24, 2008  

like GAY!

I didn't move to Florida to ride in the cold, run in the cold or swim in the cold. I put up with things in lakes that could eat me. No bike lanes. 100 some-odd 90 degree plus days in a row. I'm staying inside when it's cold. Period. Wanna fight about it, there, nair-boy?

Dana 7:14 AM, January 24, 2008  

You're in good company. I too have become that "girl"-the one that will run freezing as well as below freezing temps. Granted here in Va it doesn't get as bitingly cold as it does in St.Paul but we DEFINITELY have our fair share. It's all about layering baby. Don't worry Steve,we still love ya!

Anonymous,  9:09 AM, January 24, 2008  

A hardcore winter shame in being that!

Oh, and the next time you're thinking it, just call me a wuss. It will probably motivate me ;)

Lance Notstrong 10:07 AM, January 24, 2008  

Things like this don't "just happen" Steve. I'm hurt and it will take me some time to get over this.....

Mnowac 10:49 AM, January 24, 2008  

Right there with you. I've become that gal that runs at 5:30 in the morning while it's snowing for no real reason, just because I feel like I need to. When others feel like they need to be sleeping. I kind of like being that girl! That girl is running a trail half marathon this weekend and it's supposed to be 30 degrees and I am excited about that warm up!

TRI Vortex 3:50 PM, January 24, 2008  

I don't even like going out to my car if it's 50 or under. So I guess we can't be friends, But we can be Tri-Buddies. I'll just be the one in the warmer part of the world.

Wedgie 5:40 PM, January 24, 2008  

I actually WANT you to be a hardcore cold-weather runner: Cold weather = more clothing = less nearly-nude photos posted on the blog.

Or at least one would hope.

triguyjt 6:43 PM, January 24, 2008  

steve..per kims you have a wooha?? or do you still refer to it as how your mom calls it....

you have my permissionto be "that guy"

Lucinda 4:49 AM, January 25, 2008  

Perhaps other people need to have appendages frost bitten to appreciate running when it's 20 degrees.

E-Speed 7:20 AM, January 25, 2008  

when you live where you live the only other alternatives are gym rat and couch potato. I'd take hardcore winter runner anyday :)

Tea 1:38 PM, January 25, 2008  

Nothing wrong with being a long as YOU are comfortable with it.

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