Upcoming Half, Party, and Marathon

>> Friday, January 25, 2008

Tomorrow morning at 9 am, I’ll be running the St. Paul Winter Carnival Half Marathon. My first half! Yey! I hope to see IronMomJenny and Jeremy down there, and hopefully some more. I have 1 goal that I really think I’ll be able to make, and 1 mostly unrealistic goal that I’ll be shooting for. Look for my race report in a few days.

And remember, if you’re in the Twin Cities area, shoot me an e-mail (to get our home address) and swing by our place around 6 pm tomorrow night. We’re having some folks over for chili. I’ll have a “party report” posted with my race report.

Lastly, about a week ago, I did it. I put the wheels in motion. I registered for the one thing that I said I would never do. I signed up for a flippin’ marathon.

I'm signed up with Phamie, her sister Steph, and 3 of our friends. There’s no turning back, baby.


Bill 9:07 AM, January 25, 2008  

Uh-oh, it's all downhill from here. Or uphill, depending on how your legs feel.

Enjoy the half and the chili. What a great post-race meal, especially with a tall, cold beer!

Anonymous,  10:16 AM, January 25, 2008  

Good luck with your half tomorrow...you'll do great!!

YAY for signing up for the marathon!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 10:53 AM, January 25, 2008  

So it still just strikes me as funny that an Ironman would swear to never sign up for a marathon - I mean gees, it should seem easy after not doing all that biking and swimming beforehand!

I had my marathon cherry popped by Grandma. It was hot. But it was a nice course.

Tri+Umph 11:16 AM, January 25, 2008  

Good luck with the half, Steve; you'll rock it!

21stCenturyMom 11:29 AM, January 25, 2008  

I think everyone who has run a marathon to finish up an Ironman should run one stand alone to see how easy it is - NOT! But good. And I hear Grandmas is a great event. Happy training!

Triseverance 12:58 PM, January 25, 2008  

While I have never done Grandma's I have heard nothign but good things about it. It has always been on my short list of a race I would like to do, they have a half as well. The weather can be dicey but the course is point to point down hill and generally the wind is at your back. Can you say fast? Have fun and I look forward to the report.

J~Mom 1:04 PM, January 25, 2008  

Good luck this weekend!!

MissAllycat 1:05 PM, January 25, 2008  

Rock on!! Can't wait for Grandmas!!

And good luck this weekend!

RobbyB 1:45 PM, January 25, 2008  

Good luck Steve! Will we see the tighty-whities in action?

monica 2:54 PM, January 25, 2008  

you'll do an ironman but you don't wanna do a marathon... where's the logic??

kick ass at your half mary. then kick grandma's ass in june.

now i want some chili...

trimybest 3:30 PM, January 25, 2008  

good luck tomorrow! the forecast is saying snow. i really really hope it snows the entire race. i love running in the snow! see you there.

SM 3:36 PM, January 25, 2008  

Good luck on the run tomorrow. And I wish I could be there for the party but I just can't find any flights out of RI.

cadesdad 7:53 PM, January 25, 2008  

Good Luck Tomorrow. I won't make it, but I will see you at Gmas!

Triteacher 8:01 PM, January 25, 2008  

Good luck, have fun and know that we expect some Steve-caliber party pics!

Spokane Al 9:39 PM, January 25, 2008  

Good luck on your marathon. I can't wait to see the photos of your feet and hear about your chili fueled run.

P.S. While going through the blogs via Google Reader, I thought I clicked on yours. Then I begin reading where the author was finally coming to grips with the idea the monthly cycles affected her. I thought that this was an interesting direction for you, especially in light of some of your previous postings and kept reading. Then I realized I was not reading the blog of Steve in a Speedo. Oh well.

Kate 8:41 AM, January 26, 2008  

I am doing my first marathon in October of this year as well. We are doing the Marine Corps. Not really looking forward to it a whole lot but should be a good experience.

Anonymous,  8:34 AM, January 29, 2008  

yeah, i did the same thing. what's the saying? 'never say never... cause it'll bite you in the ass' ...or something like that. :)

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