An Experiment

>> Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I received the following e-mail last week:

Ran across your blog and saw that you had never tried Yaktrax. I handle Yaktrax PR, please send me your shoe size and address and I will get a sample out to you in the mail. We would be glad to send you some and let you give them a try. I think you are going to love them.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Take care,
Mike Dixon
Vice President
Genesis Marketing Partners

And guess what recently showed up in the mail? Guess. Two pairs of Yaktrax, size medium and large! I can’t wait for a little more packed snow and/or ice so I can try them out!

About 2 weeks ago, I wrote about winter running. I wrote how I wore spikes if it was too slippery, but I haven’t tried Yaktrax. That’s what the e-mail from Mike was referring to. On that note, I’d like to write about other products that I love or would like to try, and we’ll see if I can get any more goodies in the mail.

• Vanilla Crisp Powerbars. Love them. Love. Them. I had 1 before my half marathon this past weekend. And I had 2 vanilla Powergels during the run. This nutrition gave me what I needed for that sub-1:30 half.

• Recoverite is my FAVORITE after a hard workout. My body gets what it needs ASAP. Good stuff.

• Nuun. My wife thinks it’s the BOMB! She loves the Kona Cola flavor.

• has great swim gear. Their goggles are cheap, and I’m a fan of the Speedo Jammer that they sell (size medium 32).

• Smartwool socks are SIMPLY THE BEST! So good. My wife and I both love them. I'm a size 10. She's a female size 8.5.

• I LOVE my Specialized Bike. Just love it. It’s one of their cheaper tri-bike models, so I’d LOVE to upgrade to something better...

• My MacBook Pro is a GREAT machine, but it’s getting old. It’s nearly 2 years old, and it’s looking pretty beat-up, as well as it’s starting to get a little sluggish. Could use another.

• I love my Pontiac. But it has 170,000 miles on it. I’ve been hearing good things about the Pontiac G6. I’m just saying...

My e-mail address is I’d love to be able to write about how nice your company is with regards to giving their product to a loyal fan. Thanks.


CoachLiz 4:04 PM, January 29, 2008  


I am a Power Bar sponosed Elite Athlete. I will see what I can do to get you some of those Vanilla Crip Power Bars.

Right now I have oodles of Banana, Cookies n' Cream (yum!), and Peanut Butter Power Bars that I am working through.

Coach Liz

Pharmie 4:13 PM, January 29, 2008  

Honey, you wear a size 32 Speedo Jammer. If you're not careful, people will be able to tell that you don't buy any of your own clothes :) Oh, and don't forget the woolies!

monica 5:00 PM, January 29, 2008  

nice work steve!!! i'm gonna write a letter to all the companies i have links to on my page.

funny, i was JUST cleaning and organizing all the tri crap and came across a tube of nuun that i got (they're one of my tri club's sponsors). i don't use it. the bubbles scare me quite frankly. don't know if pharmie likes the lemon lime flavor, but i'm happy to drop it in the mail to you. lemme know.

Tracy 5:09 PM, January 29, 2008  

Steve and Pharmie, some Recoverite and Kona Cola Nuun coming your way!

Stef0115 5:30 PM, January 29, 2008  

Steve I hope you get all this stuff and MORE! Looks like you are well on your way. I have to agree with you on the Recoverite. Haven't tried the other foodstuffs you mentioned so great info!

J~Mom 5:57 PM, January 29, 2008  

Good thinking! Hope it works!

21stCenturyMom 6:17 PM, January 29, 2008  

You bring new meaning to the term swag ho - I like it!

I also have a Specialized bike and if this trick works for you maybe it can work for me!

And last but not least - I lurv Nuun Kola but alas, will have to hoard what I have or me. I put the ho back in hoard.

triguyjt 6:39 PM, January 29, 2008 are clever, crafty and will likely get tons of goodies coming your way.

are you starting to outgrow your house??? just saying ;-)

Kellye Mills 8:27 PM, January 29, 2008  

I think this is so funny! I LOVE the post idea... I may steal it! :) Not really because I think people will give me stuff, but it's cool to hear what other people like for nutrition, recovery, etc. It makes some of us break out of our ruts!!

Let us know if you get anymore free stuff and if so, you need to start hooking up the rest of us!

Marcy 8:29 PM, January 29, 2008  

Dude!!! Sweet deal! I'm still waiting for Nike to give a homegirl some coupons or something :P

Unknown 9:37 PM, January 29, 2008  

That seems to be working much better for you than my "Gear Slut for Hire" letter/begging for gizmos and other good stuff.....
Hope you like the Yak Trax. I have only used mine once and the jury is still out for me. If I ever get outside again I'll have to see about the thumbs up or down.

Tri+Umph 10:25 PM, January 29, 2008  

Nice deal Steve. You forgot to ask for sunglasses, shoes, and a lifetime supply of Gatorade!

Maybe if you got some free Underarmour you wouldn't smell like ass when you run? (as mentioned in Marcy's comments!) You could leave that to me!

Flabbyironman 10:37 PM, January 29, 2008  

Good luck Steve. I hope you're able to get your Mac (though I highly, highly doubt it... the other Steve is kind of cheap that way).

Just found your blog a couple of weeks ago. I'm a former suburban St. Paulite (Little Canada) graphic designer who's out in Colorado now. I miss the water but not the mosquitos.

Spokane Al 11:30 PM, January 29, 2008  

I will be interested in your thoughts on the YakTraks. I like them very much.

I was a bit surprised to see no shout out for your favorite razor.

RunBubbaRun 6:08 AM, January 30, 2008  

I think the YakTraks Pro's are pretty good stuff.. Especially getting a pair free..

Hey maybe you could make up your own triClub and have tons of sponers.. Now that would be something.

Let me know if you get a free car, my car has over 100,000 miles as well.

Anonymous,  7:31 AM, January 30, 2008  

It's always refreshing to know that all those little code-geeks writing blog-bots are actually accomplishing something with their efforts ;-)

YakTraks are great - I've used them for more than 5 years now and are essential in my mind for running through the harsh winters.

Sixteen Chickens 8:32 AM, January 30, 2008  

Got enough ice for the yaktraks yet?

Anonymous,  9:13 AM, January 30, 2008  

Very clever...hope you get lots of cool stuff!!

Pharmie's comment made me chuckle!

Joy | Love | Chaos 9:55 AM, January 30, 2008  

Dude, you're one used condom away from being true pro status, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

You're going to lurve your yaks. Now I have mine, I actually LOOK for a snowstorm to run in.

Happy pimpin.

Jumper 2.0 10:50 AM, January 30, 2008  


I get frickin "invitations" to take part of surveys and you get triathlon bling!

I'll just keep telling myself to be happy for you! (over and over again til I believe it)


Seriously though, that is sweet. Congrats.

What I have to do is stop buying stuff for others. My wife gets all the iPhone fun for her, my father in law has a yaktrax that I haven't bought for myself yet.

Dana 10:51 AM, January 30, 2008  

Funny comment from your wife. You might just get a new car outta this!

Iron Girl Nyhus 2:07 PM, January 30, 2008  

Let me know how the yaktraks work. They sound cool... I could use those on the lake by my house :)


Tracy 6:47 PM, January 30, 2008  

OK Steve, I checked with the Hammer peeps and it's not Kosher for me to get you any Recoverite, but they said I can just give you my client number and you can order it with a 15% discount. Groovy? If so let me know and I'll email it to you. It'll be off your whole order, so stock up on whatever.

The Nuun is in the mail to you guys!

Jennifer P 10:15 PM, January 30, 2008  

I think that you should have asked for band aids and Neet and wind briefs. Or at least those pocket heater things to stick down your drawers.

Bigun 8:14 AM, January 31, 2008  

I could use some yaks down here in Florida:

a) to fend of the growing gang threat

b) for extra traction in the sand on beach runs

c) to tenderize steaks before grilling out

d) on the swim - to kick sharks or alligators

Susi 1:28 PM, January 31, 2008  

Hey! A friend of mine recently shared your blog with me. Congrats on an awesome half marathon!

I saw your comment about how Pharmie loves Nuun...both you and her might get a giggle out of my Nuun experience. You can check it out here.


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