Say Uncle! Say Uncle!

>> Monday, January 07, 2008

A quick post about 2 very important things:

First, I’m super pumped that American Gladiators is back on TV. I saw both episodes last night, and there’s one more on tonight. I like the male Gladiator, Wolf:

...and I may or may not have strong feelings for the female Gladiator Crush:

Secondly, I’m even MORE PUMPED to have been introduced to my first nephew, Ian. Here he is, only 12 hours old:

He’s got his cute little hands over his cute little ears!

(And again, everyone is invited to our place for a party on Jan 26th. See previous post for details...)


Mnowac 3:29 PM, January 07, 2008  

Ahhh I loved American Galdiators too! So pumped it's back. Wolf is scary, so is his moose knuckle.

Cute baby!

Theoutofshapeguy 4:10 PM, January 07, 2008  

Ahh Dude, I freakin love that show! I'm so excited its back on. And what else can you say about crush, mmm yup!

triguyjt 4:19 PM, January 07, 2008  

all those gladiators and no Russell Crowe??? What the ??
Great Pic of the nephew.
Enjoy. Make him a mini triathlete someday.

21stCenturyMom 4:40 PM, January 07, 2008  

I wish I lived closer - the party sounds fun!

Unknown 4:58 PM, January 07, 2008  

Goes without saying but that is one cute baby.
Enjoy every minute!

Ryan 5:01 PM, January 07, 2008  

There is something smoking hot about a chick that can bench press you! Va va va voom! Crush me baby! Crush me!

Marcy 6:08 PM, January 07, 2008  

Babies and gladiators what a nice combo LOL

monica 6:52 PM, January 07, 2008  

is that prosthetic makeup on that dude?? HE REALLY LOOKS LIKE A FRIGGIN' WOLF!!!!

just programmed AG into the tivo - VERY EXCITED!!!

congrats on baby ian!! we got a new addition in my family this weekend too!!

Taconite Boy 7:12 PM, January 07, 2008  

We need a triblog gladiator competition.

IronTriTim 7:36 PM, January 07, 2008  

Missed the new gladiators :-( though without stating the obvious I can see why you might have a crush on crush.
Congratulations on becoming an uncle. Are you going to be the responsible uncle or the uncle the nephew wants to go see and go out with?

Rainmaker 9:47 PM, January 07, 2008  

So when are you going to step into Gladiators? I think your underwear wardrobe would fit well.

Congrats on the kid that's not yours!

Tri-Dummy 10:13 PM, January 07, 2008  

Pharmie is way hotter than that chick! She's too bulky.

Maybe that's what you like/??!! Want to be "handled?" She'd do it alright.

Slap you around, then cheat on you with your lesbian bike.

monica 12:21 AM, January 08, 2008  


did you catch "Militia's" wedgie?? PRICELESS!!!

oh, and what about that heifer lady they had at the end of the tunnel competition?? she wasn't even fit, just FAT!!! and still that tiny little lady got past her!!

oh man, now it's gonna be harder than ever to keep my new years resolution of cutting down on the idiot box....

ShirleyPerly 7:11 AM, January 08, 2008  

The kid already has his hands on his ears? That's funny!

Sorry I can't make the party. But I'll drop by if you have a webcam set up.

Dana 7:39 AM, January 08, 2008  

I can take or leave Wolf but Crush? Yowza..Cute nephew!

Jamie 9:07 AM, January 08, 2008  


You clearly have some great taste in women.

When I saw Crush pull her mouth guard out of her bra, put it in, and begin wailing on the contender's face with her joust, my heart melted.

Anonymous,  9:11 AM, January 08, 2008  

cute, cute, cute baby!!

Allez 9:15 AM, January 08, 2008  

Wolf need a hair cut!

Steve Stenzel 11:31 AM, January 08, 2008  

OMG. Crush was on fire last night. Jameson, I saw her pull that mouth guard out, and I was hooked. Great stuff. Great stuff!

Gotta Run..... 12:50 PM, January 08, 2008  

How sweet. new babies are perfect... until they grow up to be teenagers..LOL!! I have two so I know.. but I love them just the same.

Congrats on becoming an Uncle.

As for the party.. why can you guys not live in SC. It sounds like a great finish following your HM. Rats!

Kim 2:54 PM, January 08, 2008  

oh my god, i was out boozing this past sunday funday, the bar put gladiators on, and all the bar patrons went nuts! it was awesome.

Nat 3:33 PM, January 08, 2008  

I love that show. I've often thought about trying out for it back when I was younger and it was on tv on Saturday mornings. And now...that dream can become a reality. This is to good to be true.

Your nephew is adorable.

Fe-lady 7:43 PM, January 08, 2008  

Gladiators got boring...your nephew won't! Happy New Uncle? (Or maybe Uncle again?)

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) 9:38 AM, January 09, 2008  

He is beautiful!!!I want to try to make the party.... I am going to a matinee concert with the fam... gotta check the times...

tracie 2:13 PM, January 09, 2008  

Your nephew is soooo adorable! :)

SM 3:07 PM, January 09, 2008  

I watched Monday's episode today and I would have to go along with Steve on this one...Crush is awesome!!! Where else are you going to store a mouth piece wearing a skin tight suit?

brendaj 5:19 PM, January 09, 2008  

Very cute little bundle of joy there!

Michelle 6:52 PM, January 09, 2008  

Crush, she looks like she could snap you in half over her knee. Well, if that works for you...

Congrats on unclehood.

RunBubbaRun 5:53 AM, January 10, 2008  

Congrats on being an uncle..

Gladiators, big fan as well, gotta luv the spandex and women who can kick your ass..

TRI Vortex 1:45 PM, January 10, 2008  

Awww someone has a crush on Crush. And look, 12 hours old and his already tired of hearing about your training. ha.

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