SLIGHTLY More Normal Week?...

>> Monday, November 25, 2024

I'm still wearing "the boot" to bed, but this injury is HOPEFULLY on its way out.

Last week, I had a VERSION of my "normal" long run on Monday: instead of 10-12 miles with the middle 6 faster, I did 9.4 miles with the middle 4 faster. And it felt fine! My faster miles averaged 6:10, so I was still trying to move.

In fact, Monday through Friday looked QUITE normal. I had a good long swim on Tuesday and a good upper body workout. My shorter run felt fine on Wednesday, and I biked home in the snow after class. Thursday had some decent upper body and then a moderate-length easy trainer ride. And Friday was a good run along with core and legs. ALL VERY NORMAL!

But then Saturday I skipped my trainer ride.

And Sunday I spent the day with family for Thanksgiving... which was GREAT, but my training week went out with a whimper.

The last 4 weeks of "intensity minutes." Notice last week STARTED STRONG
(921 mins through Wed), but then dwindled. A big Saturday would have been nice.

After 2 weeks of fewer steps, last week was back up over 130,000 again.
(The previous 2 injured weeks and the big dip in July when my
Garmin died were the only 3 weeks all year under 125K steps.)

This morning started with an extra short ride as we were celebrating the life of my college buddy who died 10 years ago today. WILD that it's been 10 years without you Aaron!

College buddies on a ride, along with Spider-Man in Aaron's memory.


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