Training Totals for the First 6 Months of 2024

>> Monday, August 05, 2024

Now that we're in month 8 of the year, here's what my first 6 months of training numbers look like for 2024:

Swim, bike, and run DISTANCES for each month (not including bike trainer time).

Training TIME for each month: swim, bike, run, strength,
and "sports" (which is all bike trainer time for me).

May was so big on the bike because my classes were done and the boys and I biked to school when we could. And we were home all month. June took a hit with training because we were gone a LOT. My DISTANCE totals at the top don't look too bad for June, but the TIME really took a hit - I still got in all my runs and many of my bike workouts, but had to skip a lot of strength time.

These next 2 graphs show the same thing as described above. I've never looked at these before, but this is what my Garmin account gives me online (not on my Garmin app - the computer version has much more info than the phone app, and I haven't really ever explored that). For DISTANCES, it shows I was walking 85-95 miles each month without trying to keep it consistent:

Similar overall climb through May, then a little dip for June in DISTANCES.

TIME shows that bigger hit in June. And it shows a hike in January in Jamaica!!

So here are my 6-month totals:

SWIM: 72,247 yards
BIKE: 1,049.42 miles
RUN: 589.97 miles
STRENGTH: 281 hours and 27 mins
BIKE TRAINER TIME: 43 hours and 20 mins
(823.33 miles if calling it 19 mph)

Looking at these numbers, it's easy to double them and see where I MIGHT be at year's end:

I have no yearly swim goals - just to swim when I can. That will end up wherever it ends up.

My biking is alreay WAY ahead of where I was after the first 6 months of last year where I had less than 500 miles! I'm pretty sure this will end in a yearly PR. I started biking to work a few days a week last fall, and that's stuck around (it fit in my schedule fall 2023 and spring 2024, so we'll see what this fall holds). Now I bike to the pool when I can. I'm trying to make this my first calendar year with biking every month. (I've biked [outdoors] the last 17 months straight starting in March of 2023.)

Running is on track again for another big year, and I hope to keep that up, although it's honestly kind of like swimming is for me where I just run what I can and the distance is whatever it is. Last year was my biggest year ever at 1,160 miles, and the last 3 years were my 3 biggest years: 1,030 miles, then 1,123 miles, then 1,160 last year (these past 3 years are 3 of my 4 years over 1,000 miles, with the first being 2012 with baby Henry!). It's "on pace" to be another PR year, but I'll take these miles as they come - if I end up racing a bit more this fall, I'm happy letting the mileage slip so I don't injure myself.

And I guess the same is true for my strength time: I fit in what I can (already noted that June stunk numbers-wise because we were gone a lot) and just let the numbers fall where they do. It's on track for a big PR, but we still have some weird summer months coming up, and I don't fully know what my fall teaching schedule will be yet, so really not pushing for a PR. (I'd be more inclined to push for a running PR if I look at the numbers again around Thanksgiving, but I don't care about my overall strength time - just trying to get in some workouts!)

Finally, I will NEVER forget the first half of 2024 being so kind to me in the PR department! I ran a 5 mile PR in early April, a 10K PR in late April, and a 5K PR in May! I kind of expected to get that 5 mile PR when I signed up last-minute after finding a race, but the 10K was less of a sure thing, and the 5K was a TOTAL surprise.

Awkwardly finishing the 5 mile in 2nd place, family pic post-10K
(my boys did the 5K), and (obviously) suffering at mile 3 of the 5K.

Jeez... I need to work some other "funky shorts" into the rotation. ;)

I also had my best long run ever in May with some fast middle splits, and then a NEW "best long run ever" in June with a fast overall pace (6:39/mile) and ever faster middle splits (6 miles at 6:01.2 pace). (I even out-did that in July, but that's not officially within the first 6 months of 2024.) And earlier this year, I PRed a "long distance" interval workout that I've been doing for years. It's been a good 6 months, with some REAL GOOD running!


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