New Garmin! FREE Garmin!

>> Thursday, August 08, 2024

I posted 2 weeks ago about my Garmin, how the battery just TANKED recently, and how Garmin was just going to send me a new (upgraded) one for free. I HAVE UPDATES!

I got nervous 2 days after they said they'd send me a new one as it was supposed to come Thursday morning, but it showed up 35 mins later than expected - a nervous 35 mins for me!!

Ouch! Hope it's OK in there!

Old and new! Fenix 6s Pro and 7s Solar!

The next day, after tweaking the face I wanted. Love all the info.

So far, I love it. (The only "issue" so far is I can't see 25 yard splits from swim workouts in the app like I could with my previous Garmin - I have to wait to see them online.) And I was happy to have found a VERY edit-able watch face - I missed not having seconds on my old Fenix. (In this one, it's something I can turn off and on in the app because it uses a bit more battery with it on.)

So as I posted 2 weeks ago, the last 2 days in my old watch left me no way to download my info. So I just had to look at it and take it in. That led to an easy 6.4 mile run being called my "longest" and "fastest" because it was reset and couldn't connect to the rest of my account:

Keeping my walk streak alive on July 24th (even if it wasn't "saved").

Keeping my 10,000+ steps/day alive too - 19604 steps laying
in bed in the PM on the 24th. (I was stuck with THEE most basic face
because it wouldn't connect to my phone so I could change it.)

Also keeping my 30+ mins of workouts/day alive lifting
weights the morning my new watch was to come.

The afternoon of the 25th: I had 5965 steps so far
that day, and 224 "intensity minutes" from the last 1.5 days.

About 1.5 days of my old watch just sitting there (a few days later) left the battery nearly dead...

... so it's packaged up and sent back to Garmin!

So my Garmin stats took a hit mid-day Tues through mid-day Thurs, July 23-25. "Officially," here's what the last 4 weeks looks like (taken Sunday night, which is the end of my week):

Didn't hit 10,000 steps on the 23rd before resetting my Garmin,
but then got in 10,000+ on the 25th after getting my new one at noon.

The 2nd-to-last week is missing 49 hours of steps!
(I've been at 125,000+ steps every week since the new year!)

Yes, I kept track of the steps that I wasn't getting "credit" for after resetting my old Garmin and not being able to connect it to my phone or computer. I had 7993 steps on the 23rd when it stopped connecting, and then I had 5169 on it once it was reset.

- the 23rd needed 5169 more steps to total 13,162 for the day, and another 3 intensity minutes

- the 24th had 19504 steps
(as shown in a pic above) and had 135 intensity minutes

- the 25th had 5965 steps not logged
(before logging nearly 12K on my new Garmin), and 86 intensity minutes (note pic of old watch above with 224 intensity minutes: that's 3 on Tues + 135 on Wed + 86 on Thurs = 224 total on reset Garmin)

In my Garmin graphs (the last 2 pics above), it looks like this when I add in my missing steps:

Added in the red. Still well above 10,000 steps/day.

And still keeping my "125,000+ steps/week in 2024" streak alive too!

Oh, and instead of 4 decent but smaller weeks
of "intensity minutes" lately, last week jumps up a bit.

A GIF of a "missed" 1.5 days of intensity minutes, with then a red arrow
where I Photoshopped in what it SHOULD be (while moving everything else up).

As I mentioned when my Garmin first died, I lost my "1 mile walk/day" streak and my "30 mins of workouts/day" streak, but those are just 30-day "badges" that repeat, so that's not a huge deal - as of yesterday, I'm 14 days back into those streaks that started around Thanksgiving 2023.

The biggest bummer was my 10,000+ steps/day streak, which started April 3rd of 2023. I had some foot pain on April 1st and 2nd in 2023, so I backed off those days. Then it went away on the 3rd, and I've been hitting 10,000+ steps every day since then! So through yesterday, I'm at 493 days - my count says I'm at day 14, so I'll need to be adding 479 to my official streak to get my REAL streak. (My Garmin says my "longest goal streak" is 477 days ending on 7/22/2024 - the day my Garmin was reset and stopped connecting.)


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