Friday Funny 2336: Raygun Memes

>> Friday, August 16, 2024

This is a bit trickier of a "Friday Funny" post. I don't want to be mocking her, but it was a funny performance. And add to the fact that Raygun is now under fire for setting up her own governing body for breakdancing in Australia to control the selection process, and it warrents these humorous takes on that performance. (The person who "lost" to Raygun in the Australian qualifier clearly had more skill.) The Australian Olympic committee is looking into all of this.

(My understanding is that she took a more "artistic" approach when others went with a more "skills"-based approach, and that the scoring needed to be made more universal to avoid issues like that. This might be 1 of many issues with what happened at the Olympics in breaking.)

In the meantime, we have these sweet memes, that I don't feel AS bad laughing about:

Pretty sure she didn't say that. Funny though.

Yes! Combining to Paris Olympic memes! :)

Lots more funnies posted all day long on


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