Early Spring Weather (Yes... More On This)

>> Saturday, April 02, 2022

A few days ago, I lamented about my problems training as it changes seasons. I had some Facebook memories last week that showed those issues as well...10 years ago, I raced with baby Henry in the stroller at the 2012 Lake Johanna 4 Mile, and he was wearing a t-shirt, pants, and little sock-like booties:

Notice the old folks in light coats.

Playing after the race. We put a hoodie on Henry. And note the lack of snow.

That same day, I had a Facebook memory from 9 years ago: the 2013 Lake Johanna 4 Mile, where Henry was wearing a snowsuit, a hat, and was covered with a blanket for the entire race:

And look at all that snow that was still around.

After my post about the stupid changing seasons, I had a REALLY nice long run on Monday! But then Wednesday I was back on the treadmill as we had lots of freezing rain and some snow. And it was still below freezing and the sidewalks were full of frozen slush on Friday (yesterday), so I did my speed workout on the treadmill. Gotta get back outside soon!!!...


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