Re-Learning to Train in the Spring

>> Saturday, March 26, 2022

I seem to always forget how to run outside when it starts warming up.

I noted in my post about my first outdoor run this year (some 2x2 mile intervals) that we hadn't gotten a good mid-winter "melt" all season. In fact, I saw on the local news recently that this was one of the winters with a longer stretch of consecutive days with snow cover.

I ran a few weeks ago and posted about wearing shorts for a 15 degree run with below 0 windchill. That run felt great. It was 2nd run outside in 2022. (I love running outside when it’s cold, bit can’t run on slick surfaces as it screws up my knees.)

The day after my big birthday weekend bike ride, I got dressed up for a nice 35 degree outdoor long run. But I stepped outside at 7:00 a.m. and we’d had some freezing rain. Everything was slick. Damn it. So I hit the treadmill yet again:

Miles 2.5 to 8.5 were slowly speeding up (9.1 mph up to 10.3 mph).
This shows the "graph" showing I was in the 9 mph
zone for 23+ mins, and then over 10 mph for the last 7 mins.

Run complete: 11.1 mies in 75 mins.

My crotch got hot after a few miles. I realized I still had on my wind-proof
briefs under my shorts because I was PLANNING on running outside.

The freezing rain (seen a bit at the bottom of the frame)
had turned to snow by the time I came out of the basement.

Luckily, that Friday (4 days later) was when the boys and I hit the track for a 3x1600 workout - that was a beautiful 44 degree afternoon.

And then my long run was 2 days later, and it was outdoors.

Wednesday it was cold and raining, so I stuck to the treadmill. I *do* love having that option!

Yesterday, I ran early before taking the boys to school. It was around 40 degrees, but I had laid out waaaaaay too many clothes. I seem to forget that just because it’s still dark, it’s not freezing. I had a nice easy run along the river withOUT my extra shirt or hoodie.


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