Quick February Recap

>> Saturday, March 05, 2022

January had 100 miles of running and a PR for trainer time, but February was a bit more "normal." Still very happy with these totals though:

• BIKE: 21.96 miles (all fat bike on the 5th and 6th)
• TRAINER: 15 hrs 3 mins
• RUN: 86.90 miles (all treadmill)
• STRENGTH: 35 hrs 6 mins

The standout for the month is the fat bike race on the 6th! That was a blast, and I'm glad Matt convinced me to try it with him (my first, but he's an old pro). Here's my race report where I go off course and do an extra loop. Oops.

Adding my fat bike time and my trainer time together, I was at 17 hrs and 15 mins for total "saddle" time, which is 59 minutes shy of January's big PR, and is still a BIG total for me. (In my "January in review" post, I noted barely breaking 15 hours once before [before smashing that in January], so to be just over 15 hours of trainer time and 17.25 hours of total saddle time is still GREAT.)

Notice my only day all month with no strength work was Thursday the 24th. That was the night of the opening reception for my solo exhibition, so I didn't push it. I still got in a 70 min easy spin before the opening. Here's a post with lots of photos from the opening reception on my photography blog! The show is still up for a few weeks, so stop by and check it out if you're in town!


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