Big Bike Trainer Week

>> Saturday, March 19, 2022

Last week looked pretty normal, with 1 exception:

Normal runs, normal strength work (well, my "normal as of lately" which has been pretty high), but over 5 hours of trainer time when lately I've normally been just over 4 hours/week! Sure, Tuesday's and Thursday's rides were slightly on the longer side (calling 80 minute rides "average"), but it was a big week because of my 41 mile ride on Saturday in the name of my 41st birthday the day after. That 2 hr and 13 min ride could have been an hour shorter and been pretty normal.

But with that long ride for my birthday, I ended up with 5 hrs and 8 mins of trainer time for the week. I don't know what the rest of March will hold for me, but that long ride helped put me on track to beat January's trainer monthly PR this month. We'll see what I can do!

In the meantime, I need to make sure I'm keeping my effort up on the bike, and putting in QUALITY core time (not just LONG workouts, but BETTER workouts).


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