FIVE Workouts in a Row

>> Tuesday, May 19, 2020

If you've been reading for a while, you know that I like to string workouts together. Before my injury last August, I had many "streaks" of swims, bikes, and/or runs put together. Here's a look at July of last year where I did NOT swim, bike, or run on the 8th (camping), or the 20th and 22nd (pre-race and post-race), and the 31st (just didn't want to go for a ride):

July 2019: I had streaks of workouts of 7 days, 11 days, and 8 days that month.

Since I started running again in March, I've OBVIOUSLY been taking it easy. I looked back to how many workouts in a row I had (some running and swimming in March, and then running and biking since the gyms have closed), and here are my daily streaks of workouts:

3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, and 3.

That takes me through the weekend 10 days ago. And then last week, I did FIVE workouts in a row:

Run, trainer ride, run, trainer ride, and run!

And I ended that streak with a BANG on Friday by doing another hard run (my 2nd since August). Saturday was "off" as we worked in the yard all day (click here and scroll down to garden pics to see what I'm talking about).

And then Sunday was my first actual trainer "workout" since last year. I did part of a "Spinervals" DVD workout. I warmed up for 20-30 mins, then did the first 40 mins of the workout: 3x30 sec warm-up, 5x1 min longer warm-up, 10x1 min super spins, and then a 10 min tempo. That's sure nothing aggressive, but it's a start of some effort!

And that was also nearly 3 hours on the trainer last week! Can't say I'll repeat that this week, but it felt good last week.


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