Coronavirus Update: Week 9

>> Monday, May 18, 2020

Things will be "loosening" up today! The governor is allowing more small businesses to open (limiting patrons to less than 10), so we will be working our way back to normal this week (hopefully). Still being as safe as we can, and still wearing our masks in public.

Two weeks ago saw lots of yard work, and that continued this past week:

Day 57: I posted this on Facebook on Monday: "My Grandma Jean sent this card for Charlie, and she printed it so he could read it [she usually writes in cursive], noting 'I’m not too good at printing.' Adorable. Also, she turns *90* tomorrow, and it’s not safe to get together for her birthday. We are trying to shower her with birthday cards, so please direct message me if you want her address to send her a card."

Response was swift!

Day 58: Charlie had a Zoom meeting with his class in his room as Henry was having a math meeting with his class downstairs:

"Tapping" out words to sound them out.

Happy 90th Grandma!! She was so happy to have received 40 birthday cards today!

Day 59: "My 2nd 'quarantine cut' from Henry. #ThanksLittleMan ❤️✂️"

A cool breezy day called for corned beef.

Then we busted out the kites for the first time this year.

Both boys (Henry in the distance).

Day 60: "Bunny-proof. Plants and seeds coming soon. #UrbanGarden #TakingOverTheNeighborsYard"

And as a Facebook friend pointed out, "Nothing is bunny proof.
Only bunny resistant."
So true! Hoping this deters them just enough.

And then we had a sweet evening (well, 5 minutes) back at the boys' school. From a Facebook post: "St. Thomas More Catholic School had a 'pep fest parade' where families could drive by and wave to teachers and staff in the front yard. We drove past once and Sarah got teary-eyed. Then we had to circle the block and do it again. Charlie loved seeing his 'student teacher' who he won’t get to see again. We drew hearts to hold up, and many cars had signs for teachers. Pictured is my favorite car: 'we miss hot lunch' and 'my dad is bad at math.' Also pictured is the principal and music teacher. (Pics from St. Thomas More’s FB posts.)"

Day 61: A MAJOR trim of our big rosebush:

This is all dead. And DEADLY. (Got a bad splinter in my index finger.)

The boys and I were planning on dropping off the rosebush branches and getting a little more compost (for our veggie beds) at the compost site. But they had started making wood chips the night before, so we made 2 trips for around our neighbor's veggie beds that we're planting!

The 2nd trip for wood chips (with 5 gallon pails in the front seat too).

Day 62: A BIG day in the yard before a drizzly evening! First I shared a pic of our front tree, saying "there are 2 days of each year that (barely) make this tree worth keeping."

Then I posted this in the afternoon: "We’re all planted!! We packed a lot into our new beds in our neighbor’s yard. Second pic is tomatoes, peppers, herbs, romaine, and onions. Third pic is rows of radishes, carrots, beans, green onions, and 2 zucchini. One of our old beds is full of tomatoes, and the other is FULL of cucumbers (22 plants in 5 linear feet - too much?). Got bulbs, zinnias, and snapdragons planted in the flower garden too. ❤️🌱🌼"

Tomatoes, peppers, herbs, romaine, and onions.

2 rows of radishes, 4 of carrots, 4 of green beans, and 2 of green onions.

The old skinny beds on the edge of our yard. (The grass in the lower left of the
top photo is technically my neighbor's yard - the bricks go RIGHT to the edge.)

The 2 old and 2 new beds.

Weeding (I've done a good job of staying on
top of it this spring!) and planting in the front.

I was starving when it was time for a late lunch, so these 2 Rubens were both mine.

Day 63: a rainy day spent inside.

Overly excited later in the game.

My first hour+ trainer ride of the year! #ComingBackFromAnInjury

My little electrician.

The pull chain for the lights on our fan has been feeling "gummy," and the switch just totally broke yesterday afternoon. (It all turns on with a wall switch, but now it was stuck with the lights off permanently, but we still had control of the fan.) After a $3.49 Menard's run, it's working like a charm now.

And then I posted this last night: "Mama helped the boys make an awesome fort tonight (for reading and drawing)."

They made this while I was at Menards! (And it's still up.)

The view inside.

I hope to get things growing well this week as the rain is finally over and it's supposed to be warm in a few days! Lots of garden time.


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