The Boot Isn't Helping

>> Monday, February 10, 2020

I posted a week ago that the first week in the boot wasn't TOO bad (except for some pain from wearing the boot), and that the pain was a TON better that week. Well, I wrote that on Sunday afternoon to be posted on Monday, and on Sunday night, I stood and cooked for 90 minutes. And my foot hurt. I had been wearing the boot as normal. And on Monday my foot hurt like normal. And on Tuesday.

It became clear: it wasn't the boot that was helping. It was the steroid pack which lasted through Friday. (10 days ago.)

I stuck with the boot all last week in case it COULD help some more. But this past Friday afternoon, I threw it off in disgust.

Boot off, 2 slippers on for the first time in 2 weeks, still in my tall "boot sock."
(That's the "padding" laying on the floor I've been wearing in my boot.)

I scrapped the boot against my other shin just before deciding to take it off.

Well, I only lasted "bootless" for about 30 minutes. My left ankle/foot felt really "weak," and I wanted to make sure I took it off with doctor's orders. I have another podiatrist appointment on Wednesday, so I'm wearing it (begrudgingly) through then (to make sure I don't hurt something by walking around too soon withOUT it on).

Blowing 5 inches of snow in the boot yesterday.

Caked with snow once I was done. Fun times.

We'll see what the doc thinks on Wednesday. I've been saying since September that I think I need to be non-weight bearing (and I first posted that thought back in November), so we'll see if I get a little cart to roll around on. Or if we try something more drastic. We'll see. But so far, only the drugs helped, and only for 5-6 days. Still in pain.


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