Adventures in the Boot

>> Monday, February 24, 2020

I help out in the library at my sons' school on Fridays, and my wife LOVES to get texts from me when I'm there. She likes the funny stories of cute/strange things the little kids do. For example: this one (that I posted on Instagram on Saturday):

Here was the caption:

Yesterday, while being “Librarian Steve” at school, the first graders found a monster book and told me Godzilla was a girl. “Wanna know whyyyyyy??...” one girl asked with a grin. And then she pointed at, well, I don’t have to tell you. Soon, the whole class had an eyeful, and the entire library was chanting “Booby Godzilla! Booby Godzilla!” It was a Catholic School riot.

So what I’m trying to say is that yesterday was my favorite day ever at the library.

Anyway, my wife got me a basket for the front of my knee scooter, and it proved itself useful as I was zipping around the library putting books away. I sent her this image (an action shot while moving) saying "the basket is working wonders:"

And later, I sent her this one saying "the handicap guy just locked himself out of the library:"

Mr. C. closed the door as kids were noisy in the halls, and
then I went out to the bathroom and it locked behind me. Oops.

I feel like I POSSIBLY got some good news regarding my foot pain as I posted about this weekend, so we'll see how much longer I'm going to be in the boot and riding the scooter.


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