Mexico 2020 (2 of 2)

>> Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Here's a (large) handful of more photos from our Mexico trip 2 weeks ago (picking up where this post left off):

Breakfast over the pool on day 5 (Charlie was crabbin').

Doing some nerdy photo reading by the pool.

Henry "falling" off Grandma.

They loved "Bahama Mamas."

My wife's cute legs.

Pool-side selfie.

Mama caught us reading before lunch.

Side note: I got really into this photo history book. I posted about it on my Photo Blog if you're interested. If you like photography (and/or history) PLEASE check it out.

Heading to the Oyster Bar for lunch. We'd never been there mid-day before!

Long boardwalk to lunch.

Buttering something.

Family lunch!

Post-lunch selfie.

After lunch with Ixtapa Island in the background (where we went a few days before).

More reading (and a pina colada and Diet Coke) while my family rested.

Mama stepped on a bee and got stung on the side of a toe! She's icing it here.

Chuckin' kids.

Sunset on day 5.

View out to the ocean from the lower part of the gym on day 6.
(I did lots of pull-ups on those bars to the right.)


Charlie demanded neck tickles from Dad and leg tickles from Mom.

We were going to hit the climbing wall, so here’s Charlie signing the waiver.

Part of the reason I took this photo was to compare skin tone. #MyBoysArePasty

He just got a bit farther before deciding to climb down.

More ocean fun.

Getting slapped by big waves.

After another $14 hour-long beach massage.

Mom wanted to show us a dress she found in the market.

The beach north of our resort (past the pier).

Walking back after our massages.

Oily post-massage selfie.

By the pool.

Taken from my lounge chair in the shade.

Pork tacos for lunch at Colores.

Henry and I had tacos every day except day 5.

Charlie crabbin’.

I got him to smile with some tickles.

Drying suits on the balcony.

My funny forehead-tanned card-playing buddy. (Tan from snorkel goggles.)

Sunset on day 6.

At dinner at the big outdoor Mexican Festival.

Our buddy Maria Guadalupe got us front row seats.

Dancing with some of the performers afterwards.

Henry has his hood up because there were a few mosquitoes.

Charlie and Sarah.

Mom and Dad!

Walking back to our hotel afterwards.

Breakfast on day 7.

BINGO next to the restaurant where we had breakfast.

Both boys won right away at BINGO! Henry won a blue zip-off hat and a
backpack, and Charlie won a tote bag, a green hat, and a pink shirt for Mama.


Fish tacos and fried fish whatchamacallits. (My Dad also liked the fried things.)

The pool from our balcony.

My Mom and wife sitting next to the pool, and my Dad
sitting in the shade (where I liked to sit as well).

More Bahama Mamas.

Charlie liked finding how the maid arranged Snowball. Sometimes she didn’t, though.
Little does he know that I tucked Snowball in like this after the maid came through.

An 8-year-old living a good life. :)

Saying goodbye to our buddy Maria on our last night there.

Toes in the ocean one last time.

Charlie about to win a round of Old Maid.

Charlie made a 20-month-old buddy while dancing to live music in the lobby.

Breakfast on day 8.

Goofballs in the lobby.

A final dip in the pool.

Throwing more kids around.

Packed up and ready to leave!

The tiny taxi didn’t have room for both of our big suitcases in the trunk,
so my wife was cramped in the backseat with a big bag.

Airport fun.

Grandpa fanning “King Charles” as he puts his feet up.

A final selfie in the sunshine (on the steps heading up to the plane).

The plane had a number of empty ROWS, so I moved so Charlie and Mama could lay down.

Again, here was the post with the first part of our trip if you missed it. Always fun to be in the sun with family! Thanks for the trip, Mom and Dad!


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